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Best brand of Minoxidil and Minoxidil use?


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  • Senior Member

Obviously Rogaine is the original, but I was reading up on Spectral DNC which is Minoxidil with various other pro-hair growth junk in it. It looks and sounds pretty promising, but I wondered if there was a brand that was universally favoured by most people?


Also, how flexible is the routine? If I take a week or two off, now and then, will that be detrimental?

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  • Senior Member
If I take a week or two off, now and then, will that be detrimental?


The half life of minoxidil is just under 24 hrs. You cannot miss more than 1 day.


Spectral DNC which is Minoxidil with various other pro-hair growth junk in it


Ignore the junk and stick with the active ingredient, minoxidil.

take care...



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