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fue hair transplant in the uk

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im 32 years old and im not bald yet but concidering a hair transplant to slighly lower my existing hair line and to thicken it out slightly as its just gone a bit thin slightly in one small place not bigger than one square centimeter, ive done some research and come the conclusion that uk doctors are not a good idea after reading advice given out here and other forums ive visted, the only results ive seen that im compleatly confident with are the work done by hasson and wong! but ive emailed them and they wont do an fue transplant even for small pocedures like mine. im also researhing doctor feller in i think new york? but ive read that he charges $10 per graft with fue? and that seems a bit steep! ive tryed to calculate how many grafts i would need by measuring my existing hair line with a peice of string which measures 16 centermeters from end to end, i only want my existing hair line lower aproxamtly one centermeter so 16 square centremeters is what needs filling in. so doing some quick maths with 50 hairs per 16 square centremeters thats 800 hairs. ive been on a sight in the uk that has a graft calculator and it says that 800 hairs can be achived from 444 grafts? is this correct because after reading about fue transplants i was under the impresion that each extraction or graft from the donna area contained just one single hair folical that grows just one hair? have i got this wrong??? if i have got this wrong and the graft calculater is correct and you get 800 hairs from 444 grafts then at $10 per graft it should cost $4440 or ??2927 am i wrong with this calculation???

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Welcome Nemo.shark,


Even though $10 per graft is expensive, that's the going rate in the US and Dr. Feller is among the best at this technique. There are some excellent surgeons in Belgium that do FUE, however, it is always going to be the most expensive option. There are cheaper surgeons that do FUE but you will have to research these and decide what the best way forward would be.


50 hairs per square centimeter won't give you the best coverage, most people at the lower end of the Norwood scale will shoot for around 50 grafts per cm2. Each follicular unit will contain 1, 2, 3 and sometimes 4 or 5 hairs.


16 x 50 grafts x $10 = $8,000

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50 grafts per square centermeter really puts the price up then! so thats about ??5000 for my hair line moved one centremeter forward. that is expencive especially conciddering theres a place in the uk that charges ??2.50 per graft with fue so thats ??2000 thats beter than half price and there would be the flight to pay for going to the usa...hmmm

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I strongly recommend that you spend a lot of time researching what it is you are considering and the doctors you are considering. Spend some time reading through this forum, you will quickly learn that the only clinic worth considering in the UK is the Farjo Medical Centre, however they currently don't offer FUE.


I'm not sure who is offering FUE for 2.50 in the UK, but I'd be very wary.

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The place you refer to in the UK offering fue at ??2.50 each is FUE clinics run by Jeremy Isherwood and they suck big time. You would be better off doing the surgery yourself in front of the mirror.


Also as I'm aware this clinic charges or used to charge by the hair which is a big no no.


If you went here you'd end up spending 3 times as much getting it repaired.

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weired that you say farjo dont do fue, when you go the (ishrs) interational society of hair restoration surgery web sight and do a search to find a doctor in the uk and select fue it filters the list of doctors down and both drs farjos are on that list. and im sure i read that they do fue??

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yeah it is fue clinics for ??2,50 per graft, and i if i could get to the back of my head and was able to get hold of the propper instruments i would probabley give it a go my self to at least fill my tinny thinning area in my hairlines parting, doesnt look that dificult to do pull out some grafts make a new hole and push it in! simple ha ha

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I believe they were doing small cases at one point but they currently do not. The subject has been discussed a few times on this forum and Mick who works for Dr. Farjo has confirmed they are not carrying out FUE work.

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yeah it is fue clinics for ??2,50 per graft, and i if i could get to the back of my head and was able to get hold of the propper instruments i would probabley give it a go my self to at least fill my tinny thinning area in my hairlines parting, doesnt look that dificult to do pull out some grafts make a new hole and push it in! simple ha ha


Haha, if only it was that simple. What's the point of a lower hair line if you are going to be left with thin, inferior work? FUE is a highly skilled and time consuming technique and your choice of surgeon is paramount, the fact you don't see this shows you have done no or little research, something that I am certain you will come to regret if you move forward and make the wrong surgeon choice.

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Yes m8, like I said before, Dr Bisanga at BHR in Brussels is great at fue, and he doesnt charge as much, just google Dr Bisanga and BHR and you'll find him, I'm travelling to Brussels on Thursday and having my surgery all day Friday, looking forward to it too, last time I was there I was so relaxed I fell asleep in the chair.

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Think his fue rates are 5 euros per graft for up to 1k grafts, then 3 euros per graft for anything over that.


I will create a proper weblog after my procedure on Friday, so expect to see it from Sunday onwards. Got too much to do before then.


Please note that I am a repair patient and I dont have a virgin head. My first op was fue into my scar at the back, and if my scar wasnt still pink, I would have trouble finding it now.


I'm hoping that my scar will return to back to white soon, as that was the colour it was before the repair.


I've tried to find marks where the fue was taken and I cant find a single one, not one.

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kool sparky keep us posted! ive checked out some of your docs work and it mostley looks ok ive also come across some work by armarni and that looked good to especally the hair lines, but hes same as feller on price $10 per graft.

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also ive looked at some close up photos of hair you can really see that some times 2 or 3 hairs come from one folicle and i was wondering if it would be a good idea if the grafts placed for me would be beter off disected into single hairs as looking the natural hair in my hair line i cant see any that have more than one hair growing from one one folicle, but could disecting these hairs into single units give them less chance of serviving the transplant??

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spex ive checked out your pics and i need a similar amount of fue grafts as you had with dr feller 800 900 so did you pay $9000? bet the exchange rate was better than it is now when you had your work done?

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I have always liked Dr. Fellers honesty and abilities. From day 1 he has been honest about FUE. I know that he doesnt do alot of grafts but I rather have a small session done right rather than a large session done wrong.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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