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Turkey (Istanbul) FUE


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Hi all

In 2008 I had an FUT procedure in which around 2800 grafts were taken.

However now I'm unhappy as I can't hav my hair any shorter than a grade 4.5 due to the scar and I'm going very thin on top apart from where I had the FUT.


I've heard a couple of stories about getting an FUE done in Turkey as prices are very cheap but quality is very good.

From a different forum I found a surgeon who's results look very good by the name of Dr. Eser Aydoğdu.

I've sent pictures of my head along with the scar as I've requested I would like to have the scar filled also.

The quote I've received on email states I will need 1 FUE session and 3500-4000 grafts and they will also do my scar. I will need to stay for 2-3 days and all for 6000lira which works out to be ?1350

Now I've heard prices are a lot cheaper in Turkey and a couple of people have mentioned it to me but can't decide whether this is too good to be true.


Does anybody have any experience of Turkey FUE procedures or can give me any advise, I've googled the surgeon but a lot is in Turkish. Her Facebook page is very comprehensive though?

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  • Senior Member

Not come across this Dr before , but the cheap price sounds suspiciously like a tech' clinic .Have you asked during the consultation who will be doing what parts of the procedure . As a minimum , you want the Dr doing both the extractions and the recipient incisions .


Some of the tech' clinics do produce some good results though , but it's a bit of a gamble as to what result you'll get . There are some members on his forum who have had a great result from the tech' clinics , but I think even they will admit it was more good fortune than anything else .

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