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Yes do yourself a favor and move on. I dealt with the doctor he was once working with and it was a nightmare. We are not even allowed to speak that doctors name on here. Never dealt with Huebner personally but he has taken on the same type of practice as the guy he trained with. They charge by the size of the strip and that is ridiculous. They love to tell you that you need two procedures because they can't transplant grafts close together because of blood supply. This is bs I had a procedure four months ago and my doctor had no problem putting grafts close together. They use techniques that were used in the late eighties and early nineties. I can tell you exactly how they work. They shave your head try and take the biggest strip they can to make money and give you basically plug type grafts. Look at the videos and the spacing in the grafts. Good doctors do not do this type of surgery. This clinic puts four to five hairs in a spot. That makes it look bad. Research mini grafts and you will understand that this is an outdated procedure.

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  • Senior Member
Oh. Thanks for the warning. I guess it seemed too good to be true. :(


Sadly Things that sound too good to be true are just that. I was uneducated at first was just looking on you tube and found the doctor he worked for. He had the most videos and I thought his results were the best but it's just smoke and mirrors. I gave the doctor my money then he went insane on you tube. I am not allowed to say his name but if you google hair transplant Jesus you will see all you need to know. Luckily I got my money back but there are a bunch of bad stories about it.

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  • Senior Member

They seem to be a fairly low cost clinic, so if you're looking for a 'cheap' surgery, I'd suggest looking into Dr Rahal.

He's fairly inexpensive in the first place, and the low value of the Canadian dollar makes him even more affordable. Seems pretty close to your state as well.

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