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A few questions +photos

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Hello guys. First of all im a 25 student. I think my hairline got that V shape or whatever u call it when I was 18 or something like that.

Since then its my main self confidence killer...to the point that I feel self conscious if i go swimming or sleep somewhere overnight I dont feel comfortable because of it.


Every morning I spend at least 15minutes just washing my hair and trying to make my temples not look so deep. Then I spray hair spray to keep it in place (I sound like an obsessed man :) ).


Since I havent experienced hair loss anywhere else I am considering hair transplantation in my temple area. I dont want anything too...exuberant (?). I think something similar to Aaron Paul's hairline would be perfect.


I have lectures in university almost every day. Do they absolutely have to fully shave the head in order to transplant hair? How big of a transplantation would I possibly need?

I would like to keep this procedure to myself, is it possible so that others wouldnt blatantly see that I've done this procedure? I live in kind of conservative and judgmental society so I have those concerns... How have you guys coped with getting back to work/school after transplantation?


Thank you for your time and answers! :)








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I had my hair shaved for my procedure. I had asked Dr. Bloxham specifically about that and he said the shaving was so he could see better and there would be less chance of damage to my existing hair follicles. Makes sense to me and most patients online had their head shaved.


On another note, after doing research and looking at pictures of others who have had a transplant I think you can better judge how many grafts you get and how good the work is when the hair is shaved. When its longer its sort of covered up.

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