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Hey guys, i' m new here. I' ve been struggling for a while with my hairline, as it appears to be receiding. I'm 21 now . i started noticing this when i was 17/18. That was the time i stopped shaving my head because i felt uncomfortable with the way it looked. I m a norwood 2 now. My hairline was quite high, even when i was a teen. The good thing is that i have a good density, which allows me to cover the temples. The situation has progressed pretty slowly, but i would like to do something about it, ( i mean a HT) .I have researched for a while here in this forum. Considering the FUE technique ( which i thing is the most suitable for my situation), which surgeons do you consider the most skilled? Thank you for your time.

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  • Senior Member



My first impression is that a 21 year old NWII is not likely to be a good candidate for hair transplant surgery. I advise to you to proceed carefully. For most men, hair loss will progress and attempting to restore your juvenile hairline now may result in problems later as your hair continues to thin.


As you may know, our community prescreens and recommends hair transplant surgeons. I suggest using our interactive map to locate physicians in your geographic areas of interest. You may also wish to review our recommendation criteria.


If you like, you can also schedule online consultations.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Only 21 & suffering hair loss can only suck as most on here will tell you.


My advice is stay away from HT at this time & have consultations with some of the recommended Doctors on this forum who then will proberly advise you to go on medications such as propicia & rogain to prevent or slow down any future hair loss.


Again being your so young HT will not be the best route to go down just yet.

please seek professional help from several HT doctors so you will have a better idea.

best wishes.

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  • Regular Member

Hey man,


I am almost 24 years old now and been losing my hair since I was 17 as well. I know how it feels to lose hair at this age and it sucks. During this period, I have always searched for ways to stop my hair loss and I've been on Minoxidil for about 4 years. Never tried Finasteride, but that's just a personal choice. Minoxidil has slowed the rate of my hair loss I believe but did not stop it.


Bottom line is you will lose more hair in the future if you do not try medications, and going for a hair transplant when you are only a NWII at this age is a bit risky since this might develop to higher patterns.


I am diffuse thinner in NW5-6 pattern (I was a NWII as well at your age, maybe a bit more) so I have lost a lot of hair now. A surgery with a reputable doctor who will plan for my future could possibly make a good difference in my case since I have lost quite a significant amount of hair, although some might argue that I am still relatively young for a hair transplant. Again, it is a personal choice.


I also suggest you seek professional help before taking any decision.


Best of luck!

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Thank you for your time. The thing is i haven't lost many hair in the past 4 years. In fact i think that i'm almost in the same situation. I am truly not that concerned with the near future, i am just unhappy with the way things are right now. And i would like to do something about it. I know this situation is most likely to progress, but given the way it has progressed in the past 4 years, i think that i would have some pretty happy 6 or 7 years before having to do another procedure. I have an older brother, he has 30 years, and he has the same pattern, which in his case is unnoticeable, because his hairline is quite low, and he has pretty awesome hair. My dad, at the age of 59 still has a pretty decent hair for his age. I think the only problem with me is that my hairline was originally very high, and it has been bothering me... Thank you all for your time

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  • Senior Member

Once you have MPB you have it for life nomatter what you do & yes you can be on medications to slow it down or even have a HT but MPB is for life not just a few years especially when your so young as that when your testrosmone /DHT is at it highest levels


Have you been checked out by a HT doctor to see if you have MPB? From your last post I get the impression that you want to lower your hairline down some.

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I haven't checked on any doutor yet because i wanted to know first who are the most reputable in the industry and most suitable to my case. Yes, i intend to lower a bit my hairline, that's exactly it. The thing is i am not totally sure about the doctor i should go to....

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  • Senior Member

Well first you would have to get checked out to see if you have any type of MPB then if you haven't then I would find it hard for any ethical doctor to perform surgery to lower a hairline on a 21 yr old kid.


Take a look at the recommended doctors on this site which is close to your location & see what they advise you.

Any good doctor will advise you a long term goal not no 6 or 7 yrs as even if you haven't MPB then your still young & there is a real chance it may hit you dam fast in your late 20s upwards.


Take your time dont jump into anything right now, be smart about this as this is a marathon not a sprint.

please come back & lets us know okay.

good luck.

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