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Everything posted by CF

  1. Hello everyone. I've been searching for a while about HT and i came across with this surgeon, Dr. Lorenzo. Does anyone have an honest opinion regarding his FUE work? Including price and outcome. Thank you.
  2. I haven't checked on any doutor yet because i wanted to know first who are the most reputable in the industry and most suitable to my case. Yes, i intend to lower a bit my hairline, that's exactly it. The thing is i am not totally sure about the doctor i should go to....
  3. Thank you for your time. The thing is i haven't lost many hair in the past 4 years. In fact i think that i'm almost in the same situation. I am truly not that concerned with the near future, i am just unhappy with the way things are right now. And i would like to do something about it. I know this situation is most likely to progress, but given the way it has progressed in the past 4 years, i think that i would have some pretty happy 6 or 7 years before having to do another procedure. I have an older brother, he has 30 years, and he has the same pattern, which in his case is unnoticeable, because his hairline is quite low, and he has pretty awesome hair. My dad, at the age of 59 still has a pretty decent hair for his age. I think the only problem with me is that my hairline was originally very high, and it has been bothering me... Thank you all for your time
  4. Hey guys, i' m new here. I' ve been struggling for a while with my hairline, as it appears to be receiding. I'm 21 now . i started noticing this when i was 17/18. That was the time i stopped shaving my head because i felt uncomfortable with the way it looked. I m a norwood 2 now. My hairline was quite high, even when i was a teen. The good thing is that i have a good density, which allows me to cover the temples. The situation has progressed pretty slowly, but i would like to do something about it, ( i mean a HT) .I have researched for a while here in this forum. Considering the FUE technique ( which i thing is the most suitable for my situation), which surgeons do you consider the most skilled? Thank you for your time.
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