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Hair Transplant Dr Scott Alexander with SPEX support


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I first met Dr. Alexander with Spencer in London in May of this year – I decided to go mainly out of curiosity – but by August 5th, I’d flown to Phoenix and had the operation.

Actually, both Spex and the Dr. really just gave me the honest details and confidence I had been looking for to help me make a decision that had been forming in the back of my mind for several years..

Dr Alexander is immediately approachable and I arrived at my London appointment expecting, hoping even, to be put off the whole idea – I imagined an un-empathetic salesman-like pitch from a doctor who just saw dollar signs from another na?ve victim whose vanity exceeded his sense.. I was wrong about this – both Spencer and the Doctor made sure I was clear on what to expect and what not to expect.. For me, this is what changed everything – I started to trust them and the process – they both took time to understand me, my mindset and what I wanted from this – it also helps that they have both been patients.. Trust and empathy are the two keys words for me here.

Once I’d made the decision, the Doctor was exceptionally accommodating in rearranging his schedule in order to fit me in (even changing holiday periods for he and his team) – I had a specific timing I felt I had to hit so I could recover before returning to work and ‘real life’.. This was a key part for me as I decided at this stage to keep the operation to myself and so the Doctor was very careful to ensure that I could style my hair to cover the donor site.. it worked very well and I feel like my hair is basically the same as before the op, and it’s exciting to think that in the months to come, this will get better and better as the new hair begins to take hold..

The Doctor even kindly gave me another consultation the night before the op.. he was sure to respect the hairline I wanted, balanced by what he felt was feasible.. I understand that Dr A leads his field in natural hairlines - this is another critical point for me with my choice of Doctor as I have seen 'too perfect' new hairlines and I did not want that as it looks unnatural.. so anyway, I felt confident going into the operation. He also sent me to a great barber’s the night before - I had a no guard haircut on the back and sides which faded into the longer hair on top - that helped me look more normal post op..

The day itself started early and we went straight into the anaesthetic injections – it’s no secret, but these are the worst bit – but once done, I selected Bourne Identity from a long list of films and sat back while Dr A got on with the incisions, some of which you can hear but not feel..

A couple of hours and I was in the hands of he and his two delightful, professional and experienced staff having FUE with the precision robot.. I was kindly given some calming tablets beforehand so what may have been a little uncomfortable was bearable and I was actually in and out light sleep.. Then, I was back in the chair watching another movie while his amazing and kind team who mad me feel totally at ease carefully put all the extracted hairs in place under his supervision.. making sure they all faced the right direction etc.. the level of precision with this clinic is remarkable..

Once finished, bandana on and back to hotel for room service.. the hotel is very nice btw and I drifted around quite inconspicuously..

Flight back was fine – some mild swelling in the face but no one stopped and looked! And I had to take my hat off once for security which made me have a cold sweat – but no one noticed.. and it was totally fine..

Dr A called me to check after a week which was important to me – he advised I apply a little more pressure during washing to help remove the scabbing..

I’ve been back at work for 3 weeks and the only comment I’ve had is that people like the new, short-sided haircut.. I’ve actually cut the sides again since.. 6 weeks post operation and, as expected, most new hair has shed, with very light pinkness in donor site and some small amount of healing still happening on FUE site.. but all easily concealed and of no bother.. I look forward to the new hair really taking hold now over the next months..

In summary, it is about what is right for you – and both Dr A and Spencer understand this well and help you establish what that is.. I did have a moment of doubt before I paid my deposit as it can all seem quite unreal.. one moment you’re discussing it conceptually at home in London, the next you’ve handed over real money and are booking a flight to Phoenix.. it can be disconcerting.. this is probably normal but now it’s done, I feel good that I found the courage to do something I’d been thinking about doing for a long time..* The friends I’ve told totally understand – one of whom had had a breast augmentation – and the philosophy she felt was the same; if you can do something that makes you feel better in a safe way with people you trust, then why wouldn’t you? Suddenly, those preconceptions of dishonest, bad hair surgeons, dodgy plugs and inflated prices fall away - you realise you can have what you want delivered safely and professionally.. for me, I look forward not to thinking, ‘gosh my hair looks great’ everyday but more to the quiet confidence you get from leaving the house feeling good about how you look – for me, it’s been more about releasing myself from the stress of thinking about my hair all the time.. that's worth paying for..

Thank you to Dr Alexander and Spencer and all best to all..

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  • Senior Member

Welcome and thanks for sharing your hair transplant experience with Dr. Alexander. He's an excellent surgeon.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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  • Senior Member

Thank you for your write up about your experience with me and my clinic. Kindly keep us all updated on your progress.


Dr. Scott Alexander

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