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Rogaine after transplant

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I am a little confused. My transplant was 12 days ago (1,840 grafts - all in the front). The surgeon has suggested that I should start using Rogaine now as it "may" promote quicker growth, and also may help me keep some of my existing hair. On the box it says that Rogaine is NOT effective for the hairline area, only the back. Am I wasting my time and money on this? Have others started using Rogaine soon after surgery on the front part of their head?

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Rogaine has been proven effective and FDA approved for the crown only. However, despite what the insert says, many have had successful regrowth in the hairline and other areas of existing hair. Keep in mind however, that Rogaine is usually quite uneffective in regrowing natural hair in completely bald areas.


Some physicians believe Rogaine might jump start early transplanted hair growth. However, there is no real clinical evidence to suggest this.


Just keep in mind that if you do start with Rogaine, any benefit it provides your natural hair with will cease if you choose to stop using it.


Thus in my opinion, unless you plan on sticking with Rogaine permanently, it's probably better to let your transplanted hair grow naturally without it.


Best wishes,



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The Rogaine can increase blood circulation on what ever part of the scalp you apply it to. This is the reason that some doctors recommend using it post operatively.It has been shown to decrease post operative shock loss of native hairs. It can be used on a temporary basis under certain circumstances.

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