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Headwear/Sports Post Transplant

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Hello everyone,


I'm three weeks post op and have a couple of a questions that I'd like to get more info on. I love playing hockey and golf and want to continue playing again as soon as I can. I had a strip procedure done and the donor site is healing well and I'm not too concerned about that. It's the potential damage to the recipient area that I'm curious and cautious about. I've done a lot of googling (with not a ton of success) and obviously spoke with the doctor and office where I had the procedure, but would love some more opinions and hopefully from those who have already had surgery.


When I golf with a hat on and much more so when I play hockey with a helmet on, am I risking the results on my procedure? I've read the suggestion that after 9-10 days the grafts are permanent, but inside a hockey helmet is pretty snugly fit with a quite a bit of friction and a whole lot of sweat going on for a couple of hours. Additionally when I golf with a hat on, there's some friction that comes with the sport. But more so, it's outdoors exposed to the sun for hours at a time. Granted I have a hat on covering the recipient site, but could the sunrays still potentially cause damage to the area? I've read that you should stay out of the sun for months following a procedure?


Any and all suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated. I'd hate to have to delay two of my favorite hobbies for up to a year, but I'd just as much hate throwing thousands of dollars down the drain with a botched procedure.


Thanks for the time,


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