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Video Interviews with Physician Experts

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Dear Members,


At last year's Annual 2008 ISHRS scientific meeting, Pat video interviewed almost 20 leading physicians recommended by our community to help our members and visitors learn more about our doctors.


During the last several months, we edited these interviews and redesigned the video section of our website.


We encourage you to view these hair transplant physician expert video interviews to learn more about each doctor's philosophy, technique, and hair transplant experience.


Many of our recommended physicians have already been video interviewed and can be found on their recommendation profiles. The new videos have been added to the Hair Transplant Network profiles however, Coalition doctor profiles are still in the process of being updated.


You are encouraged to view these existing and new interviews. View the Physician Hair Transplant Interviews.


To see an exclusive list of the doctors we recommend and their profiles, click here. To see our recommendation criteria, click here.


Best wishes,



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Dear Members,


At last year's Annual 2008 ISHRS scientific meeting, Pat video interviewed almost 20 leading physicians recommended by our community to help our members and visitors learn more about our doctors.


During the last several months, we edited these interviews and redesigned the video section of our website.


We encourage you to view these hair transplant physician expert video interviews to learn more about each doctor's philosophy, technique, and hair transplant experience.


Many of our recommended physicians have already been video interviewed and can be found on their recommendation profiles. The new videos have been added to the Hair Transplant Network profiles however, Coalition doctor profiles are still in the process of being updated.


You are encouraged to view these existing and new interviews. View the Physician Hair Transplant Interviews.


To see an exclusive list of the doctors we recommend and their profiles, click here. To see our recommendation criteria, click here.


Best wishes,



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