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Post FUE - water too hot in the shower

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Hey guys,


So I'm about 6 weeks post op. Just had a shower and the water suddenly changed temperature and it was pretty hot on my recipient area. Hot enough to make me jump out quick. It tingled for a while, but now 15 minutes later it's fine and the skin looks normal.


Could this cause damage to the grafts and limit growth?



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No.. It sounds just and incidental instance, and not a prolonged exposure. I doubt you had anything even resembling a burn which would be cause for some concern, but it all sounds fine.

I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


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manfue - You should be fine. After 6 weeks you should be largely healed and brief contact with hot water shouldn't be enough to cause permanent damage. As voxman says, it's only really prolonged contact with hot water enough to cause an actual serious burn that would likely be an issue.


KiranJainn - I don't think the chlorine content in your shower should cause any real damage to your scalp, skin or hair, whether it's transplanted or non-transplanted. Hundreds of millions of people are having a shower daily, often multiple times a day, and there doesn't seem to be any real consequences.

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