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When will the crown thin? / Propecia update

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Hey all


Don't post much now days, thankfully. I try and focus on my life but hair is always on the mind, in one way or another.


I had a haircut at the start of the year, pretty damn short and i loved it, however i was a bit worried that my hair felt sparse at the very back (where the nape would be, as if it was serious retrograde alopecia), but the top felt great, now ive been using concealers for years, so i was still doing this with the new short cut, and id be able to get a good look after a quick shower and towel dry, and wouldnt wash my hair for a few days, which in itself was a blessing for me.


Fast forward 3 months and I'm having my haircut again, and i went for an even slightly shorter cut this time, mainly just less off the front (fringe/bangs). The good news is that the back feels as good as ever now, and it was just how he tapered it in on the previous cut. In all honestly my hair feels great, and on the back, sides and top it feels and looks exactly the same as it did 10+ years ago, looking back at photos of me with short hair, and just from memory and feel. However, this time around my hairline feels even worse. just a general thinning, progressing into what i guess is NW2(/3?), maybe even just general frontal third thinning.


It's still super short, so obviously i have to rely on concealer on the immediate hairline, and a little hairspray. I've had a lot of years to tell myself not to let this bother me, knowing that i can eventually have a HT, and at 26, im just happy that i still pretty much have a full head of hair, after years of taking finasteride, even if it is though a little effort after the shower with some dermatch, however these days dermatch isnt cutting it and i have to use toppik.


But will it get worse? If I get a hair transplant in a few years for the front of my head, then thats fine and has always been the plan i guess, but im just worried that finasteride isnt working for me? Id post pictures, but theres not a lot i can show you that isnt already on my blog profile. Is my mid and crown likely secure, at this stage? I've been taking the meds for years now and rarely miss a day. my hair currently looks fantastic, but that was after applying the sprinkles, just to the front. from this logic, id assume a few 1000 grafts that i was quoted a few years ago, would be all id need in the front and id get the same look, but obviously this is all about planning for the future..




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Thank you for sharing your story and experience with Propecia and concealer. From the sounds of it, your hair loss has either slow down or stop thanks to finasteride. Unfortunately, there is no way to predict exactly how much more hair you will lose and how fast you will lose it. That said, as long as you continue with the medication it will most likely continue working.


Hair transplant surgery is always an option later down the line if you are a candidate. I do understand the hair loss obsession. I felt that way for many years while I continue to lose more and more hair. Unfortunately, I didn't start using finasteride until I had lost a significant amount of hair and I required hair transplant surgery. For hair transplants and 9600 grafts later, I am very satisfied with my hair. Yes it is still thinner in the back but for the most part I am very satisfied and most people think I have a pretty full looking head of hair.


The point is, depending on what you want to do, I believe you can get to a point where you are no longer obsessing. Age also helps. If I still ha The point is, depending on what you want to do, I believe you can get to a point where you are no longer obsessing. Age also helps. If I was 20 with this kind of fitting in the back I might still be a little upset. But knowing where I was and how far I've come, I don't even think about it anymore or at least not very often.


If you are still obsessing about your hair loss, and have been using finasteride, you could consult with a surgeon now and talk about the possibility of Trent funny hair in between and around your existing hair. Perhaps if you post some pictures of your hair now without concealer people can provide you with their thoughts on whether or not you might be a candidate. Of course, that does not replace the evaluation of an experienced surgeon.


I encourage you to take a look at the hair transplant surgeons we recommend and even consult with those you are interested in. See the drop-down box on the right-hand side bar to select the surgeon for more information. Feel free also to use this forum to research doctors and see their results.


Best wishes,



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