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Blood in scalp 5 weeks post FUT

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So I had my fut transplant of 2300 grafts 5 weeks ago. The clinic I went to gave us pretty conservative post op instructions, such as avoiding shower use (pour water via jug), hair brush etc for a whole month. After the 5 weeks mark I went for a hair cut today and I told the barber to use the comb on my recipient area a bit gently etc but he went on with the usual hard combing etc. Then at home I took a bath with a normal shower for first time after the hot, instead of using a jug or break the direct water flow on my head by putting hand in the way... And then went ahead and used my hair brush as I normally did before he... Not too hard rubbing against the scalp, and I saw a little bit of blood on the front portion of the scalp directly behind the hairline. Not a big wound, just a small portion possibly the size of a graft...I put a cotton swab and pressed against it and it dried and stopped flowing ... But I'm worried at what it could have been... Is it possible I caused damage to my grafts this late after The procedure? Is it normal to see blood in the scalp..?

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While I'm sure being at the barbershop and watching him fiercely comb hair when you gave him strict instructions to comb gently was a bit alarming, a little bit of blood five weeks after surgery isn't a big deal. At that time, especially if you are being very delicate with your scalp and haven't even showered normal yet, you probably still had scabs on top of your scalp. The blood you are seeing is probably because a scalp was knocked off a bridge prematurely, meaning that it was picked off with the comb or your fingertips rather than coming off naturally.


Good news is at 5 to 7 days, the hair graft underneath the scalp is secure and could only be dislodged through surgery. Thus, even if the scab comes off and the hair itself sheds, the hair follicle underneath is just fine.


Be honest, it sounds like your physician was more on the conservative side with his postoperative instructions. Most physicians have you showering after a few days and starting to work off the scabs gently with your fingertips after about 4 to 5 days. That said, that doesn't make your doctor wrong, that only means that he has a slightly different approach which is fine.


I would suggest posting some photos to be sure, but based on what you're telling me everything will be fine.


Best wishes,



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Despite the general post-op instructions, you should contact your clinic. If the incident wasn't isolated, you shouldn't brush or comb your hair and noticeably bleed. However, at five weeks post-op, the grafts shouldn't be destroyed as a result of the act of brushing or combing your hair.

My opinions are my own. I am one representative of MyWHTC Clinic's European branch.


Consultation Dates & Cities for Dr. Patrick Mwamba

London, United Kingdom - Available (Sat.)

Zurich, Switzerland - Available (Saturday)

Bologna, Italy - Available (Saturday)

Brussles, Belgium - Available (Sun.-Sat.) *No Fee*

Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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