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Dr. Pomerantz


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  • Regular Member

Hello, I am thinking seriously to haveing surgery with Dr pomeratz, I had a surgery with another dr before and was not impressed, and in chicago, there is not alot to choose from( After reading this forum), Well has anyone done procedures from him, I seen his wrk, impressed with him, and Dont want to fly to canada, or anywhere else, He gave me 3 ref to call, and I need 11oo grafts, so any feedback would be nice?

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  • Regular Member

Hello, I am thinking seriously to haveing surgery with Dr pomeratz, I had a surgery with another dr before and was not impressed, and in chicago, there is not alot to choose from( After reading this forum), Well has anyone done procedures from him, I seen his wrk, impressed with him, and Dont want to fly to canada, or anywhere else, He gave me 3 ref to call, and I need 11oo grafts, so any feedback would be nice?

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  • Regular Member

Keep on thinking seriously, and best of luck to you.


I went to the website, and I'll tell you what I did NOT see: I did NOT see a single mention of "all-follicular-unit hair transplantation", and I did not see any reference to state of the art microscopic dissection of the donor strip.


I'm not sure why you're even asking. It's clear you have chosen to disregard the advice you've already been given. People here have differing opinions on doctors, but it's easy enough to pick out what is universally agreed on - that for strip surgery, the state of the art is all-FU transplantation, with qualified doctors and staff using proper microscopes, and with a proven record of consistent results and positive patient testimonials. What makes it even more confusing is that you have already been burned once, and you have a result you're not happy with.


Hair loss is tough, and everybody here knows the anxiety. I also hate traveling, and I know it's so much easier and seems more comforting if you can just stay close to home and get your procedure done. The prospect of traveling just adds a layer of complexity that maybe you're not willing to deal with becuase the hair loss and prospect of surgery is already enough to handle. Well, get over it because you're likely going to look like sh*t, and given that you had the chance to ask your questions and get sound advice, it'll be your own fault.


Btw 1100 grafts for a guy in his mid 30's from a strip surgery is questionable, in my opinion. When you replace a timing belt you also do the water pump, because you're 3/4 of the way there already and that water pump is definitely going to fail, just like more of your hair is going to fall out. So why would you cut yourself open for a only 1100 grafts? It's one thing if your 60 and a NW3, another thing if your 35 and a NW3.

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Hi Pete,


If I remember correctly, you had surgery with Dr. Kahn last year.


My suggestion is that you leave Chicago for surgery. There are excellent surgeons who charge less, give travel reimbursements and offer superior work in other cities.


I had a procedure with Dr. Pomerantz about 2 1/2 years ago. He used large punches for the recipient sites, did not use microscopes to divide the grafts and charged much more than top surgeons in other cities.


I considered my results with Dr. Pomerantz unacceptable. The hairline looked unnatural. The grafts were spaced too far apart thanks to the large recipient punch, there were multi-hair grafts in the hairline and the grafts looked as if they had been placed in a straight line instead of a random distribution.


Many thick, course hairs were placed in the hairline, instead of softer, finer hairs.


The large punch also left quite a bit of scarred skin in the recipient area.


I had a second surgery with Dr. Keene in AZ. The results were excellent. She used microscopes to disect the grafts, made tiny recipient incisions, used follicular unit grafts only, placed softer hairs in the hairline and the hairs were placed in a more random looking distribution. The difference in outcomes between the two surgeries was huge.


Good luck!

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There are a few photos in the mentor section. The before photo doesn't provide a good illustration of the problems I had with Pomerantz work, other than that it was obviously misleading when he said, "if you need a few grafts to perfect it, we can add them later."




I have many more that I haven't posted. Feel free to email me and I will send a few more to you if you're interested.



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  • Regular Member

thanks for your opinion on DR POMEGRATS, CAN YOU give me your opinion on this doctor konior, this is his website www.regrowhair.com, i noticed dr keene is part of this dr list that goes by this website, thanks, dr konior is listed in chicago

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When I was investigating surgeons for my second surgery I found Dr. Konior's site. As far as surgical techniques go, everything looked good on paper. I contacted him by e-mail while I did my research. I didn't go further than that with Dr. Konior.


At the time, he was doing many other cosmetic procedures besides hair transplants. I decided that I would see a surgeon whose practice is exclusively devoted to tranplant surgery.


You seem determined to go with a Chicago surgeon. Having both a surgery done locally and one out of town, I can only reiterate what I've said and others have said before: don't even consider location as an issue. Choose the surgeon you believe is best for you to see. The air flight is a piece of cake and takes just a few hours of your time. With travel reimbursement and lower fees in many cases it will be a wash financially.


And, a couple of nights at a hotel is perfect for recovery. It was much easier for me to chill-out away from home. If you schedule during the winter, almost any city is better than Chicago. Okay, not Minneapolis, but almost any other city is a better place to be.

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it's not worth it any more. Pete is fixed in one direction and only that. Many have offered advise and he won't listen. If it's outside of Chicago, then the heck with it.



Dr. Konior is a good recommendation but that is it. If you are not willing to think outside of Chicago, then there is no advise anyone can give you.

I wish you the best of luck.

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  • Regular Member

hey paul, thanks, for your input, u are the only professional person on here, everyone else has to throw in degrading saying s towards me, thanks again paul, I think I have made up my mind, and when I am done trust me I WILL HAVE PICS, TAKE CARE

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