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Tanning after Hair Transplant

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I have olive skin and rarely burn. I never use sunblock, usually tanning oil and still have no problems with sunburns unless the UV index is around 10+ and I'm laying out for 4+ hours I am 3 weeks post-op and was wondering if I would be able to lay out at this point. My recipient area is still a little pink from the transplant but barely noticeable. I plan on putting sunblock on my scalp to prevent any burning. Is burning the recipient area the only thing I have to worry about when being in the sun after a HT?

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  • Regular Member

I have olive skin and rarely burn. I never use sunblock, usually tanning oil and still have no problems with sunburns unless the UV index is around 10+ and I'm laying out for 4+ hours I am 3 weeks post-op and was wondering if I would be able to lay out at this point. My recipient area is still a little pink from the transplant but barely noticeable. I plan on putting sunblock on my scalp to prevent any burning. Is burning the recipient area the only thing I have to worry about when being in the sun after a HT?

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Protecting your skin from the sun, regardless of whether you've had a hair transplant is highly important. Using sunblock therefore is wise on all accounts.


At 3 weeks post-op, you are safe to put sunscreen on your scalp and be out in the sun for extended periods of time. However, be diligent to reapply when necessary. Burning your scalp could cause extended discoloration. Some believe a bad burn could hinder transplanted hair growth.


You may want to consider wearing a hat on your head. That's what I do when I go to the beach.


Best wishes,



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