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FUE docs around the world?


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Hi all,


I've posted a few times here about my situation and have narrowed down my decision to do a maximum FUE yield, using beard and body hair after some larger multi - day scalp sessions.


I am getting SMP in on week (little nervous) at HIS, as a diffuse thinner (currently a 5 pattern with thinning in the crown) I think it will allow me to grow the top to a 4 guard for the next year or so (until more hair goes) and keep the sides shorter.


Regardless, I wanted to know people's opinions on this :



I live in the U.S and was considering going to umar, konior, or vories. But then I saw the patient who went to dr Pradeep sethi in New Delhi. And I saw some Bhatti results (some good, some bad. But it got me thinking - if I went to a top doctor in India, they have to be close enough to where these 1.00 graft prices make sense?? What is everyone's opinions on good doctors outside the U.S, who can do good, scalp + BHT large FUE sessions, and maybe even with SMP as a base laid out? Any recs or opinions?

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I got your PM but I did not receive the email you said you sent. It's not in my spam folder either so not sure what happened there.


As someone who has had both strip and FUE and also had surgery here in the US and abroad, I'm more than happy to share my experience. However, I really can't tell you what is best for you. You'll need to draw that conclusion based on your own wants/needs.


I have not had SMP. I would definitely consider it but I'm not very keen at this time on a costly procedure that needs to be redone every year or so. But, if I were going to have SMP, I would opt to undergo that procedure after hair transplant surgery rather than before. I know there was another discussion about this recently but I feel that the surgery can only mess up the dots and the SMP could make incision making more difficult.


In terms of strip vs. FUE, I've never once regretted having strip surgery. I've got an excellent scar and no desire to cut my hair short enough to reveal it. For some that's a deal-breaker and, for them, FUE is a better choice.


My decision to have FUE for my third procedure was due to a tightness of the scalp and a desire to not risk a stretched scar. My FUE went great and I'm thrilled with the resutls.


As far as choosing a surgeon and location, what can I say? My surgery in the US was great and my surgery in India was great. Of course, for many of us, it's tough to ignore the financial benefits of traveling abroad. Even with the cost of airfare and hotel, the savings can be substantial. However, anyone will tell you that basing your decision solely on price is a bad idea. If you're confident in your surgeon and you believe your results will be as good or better than another surgeon who happens to charge more than you should consider any cost savings as the icing on the cake.


For me Dr. Bhatti was the obvious choice. I got lots of correspondences asking me why I didn't choose Dr. X, Y or Z instead but, in the end, the resutls spoke for themselves.


You've narrowed your choices to some excellent physicians and I'm certain you'll get the results you're looking for from any of them. You'll just need to weigh out all the pros and cons before making your choice.


Best of luck!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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