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Hasson & Wong or Rahal & Ross? FUE or FUT?


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Hi Guys,


Long time lurker, finally going to take the plunge and get a transplant next month. 26 y/o with a norwood II-III recommended a range of 1800-3000 grafts depending on the 7 clinics I consulted with (all virtual consultations so harder to evaluate me which explains the range).


H&W and Rahal have claimed they can fill in the temples of my hairline enough to where I wouldn't need a second in the same area for satisfying density (H&W recommended 2500-3000 while Rahal recommended ~2000). Ideally, I want to be able to cut my hair to a guard 6 or 7 without the temple region being noticeably thinner. Only these two clinics claimed they can make that happen (50-60 grafts/cm^2). Everyone else was in the 35-45graft/cm^2 range, and claimed higher grafts would lead to graft death as there wouldn't be enough neovascularization to sustain 50+ grafts/cm^2. Those clinics also claimed that it would look unnatural to provide that much density in one session.


QUESTION 1) Has anyone here had a similar case of no hair in the temples, with results from any clinic, and especially H&W or Rahal that were good enough to standalone without a second transplant?


QUESTION 2) Does anyone have information or experience with Dr. Ross from Dr. Rahal's clinic? She has been working there full time for 1 year performing hair transplants, but has been doing hair transplants for a few years (according to the rep at Rahal). The rep claims her and Rahal's results are equal and that I wouldn't be able to distinguish them a part. This is apparently because Rahal has her using his methodology to transplanting hair.


QUESTION 3) Does anyone have advice on whether I should continue to consider undergoing the procedure with Dr. Ross given that she's a bit of an unknown?


QUESTION 4) Rahal rep claims his FUE and FUT results are equally as good. No other clinic has claimed this. Anyone here have an opinion on this? Assuming I had to get another HT down the road, would it be better to get FUE with Rahal (assuming equal results as claimed) or FUT the first time?



Thanks for reading and answering!!!

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1) sorry, no insight for you here. Hopefully others can chime in.


2) You answered your own question. She (Dr. Ross) has been performing HT's for a few years and Rahal is one of the top in the world. Unless taken out of context, the assertion that theyare equals is very misleading, and, inaccurate.


3) See above. Rahal is as good as they get. H+W too.


4) More to the decision of FUT vs FUE. Research more and really think about adv/disadv to both and determine which one works best for you. Rahal's FUE results are not as "consistent" as his FUT. But that's less a knock on his FUE work and more praise of his long track record of impeccable FUT results.

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Thank you for the reply.


Yes, good point on answering my own question. The rep said that Rahal would not have her performing HT unless she was doing them equally as well. I understand Rahal had to beat the learning curve over years of performing surgeries and Dr. Ross could have been bestowed best practice techniques quickly by him, but I'm still under the impression that aside from technique, there is an artistic side to forming the hairlines that can't be as easily taught and likely takes years of experience to get right.


Hopefully someone has experience with her and can chime in!

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Thanks for your interest in our clinic, you should take a look at Aftermath results he has had some great dense packing by Dr Hasson. Let me know if I can help with any questions that you might have.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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