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Am I Eligible for HT - 27 years, male, Hyderabad, India

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Hi All,


Firstly, I want to thank everybody for the valuable info in this forum.

I am 27 years old male, residing in Hyderabad, India. I am attaching my pics.

I am experiencing hair loss since 4 years, and now i think i am on Norwood scale 3Vertex.

I havent tried mintop or any other medication.


I am planning to undergo HT, but as Bill's FAQ posts say, We cant expect how much hair loss can occur in future. I am doubtful if i am an eligible candidate for HT?


So Bill can you advice me?

If i undergo HT and have my front hair line corrected, i am doubtful about the existing hair in between the temples (middle of the frontal area). if i loose them in future, it will look unnatural being having hair on both temples but not in between?


Please help me.


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Welcome to our forum community.


I agree that you might be a good candidate for a hair transplant. However, for the best chance at keeping your existing natural hair, I do strongly recommend considering Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxidil). Keep in mind that in order for these treatments to be and remain effective, you're going to have to stay on them for life. Many hair transplant clinics do ask you to stop taking Rogaine for a few weeks prior and after a hair transplant. You may lose a little ground by stopping and restarting. But in most cases, this won't present a problem.


Do understand that you may need more than one hair transplant, especially if your hair loss continues to progress. Physicians typically will add hair into thinning and bald areas in order to prevent you from looking unnatural in the event you lose more hair. But with natural hair loss comes loss of density and coverage and a probable desire for more hair.


Since donor hair is limited, you will want to talk to a qualified hair restoration physician about making the best use of your available donor supply and reserving a lot of it for future work if needed.


Since you are in India, you may want to consider consulting with recommended surgeons Dr. Pathomvanich in Thailand and Dr. Mohmand in Pakistan.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

I agree with the above.


No matter what, take your time, be thorough, ask questions -- the forum is here for you. icon_smile.gif


I do take slight exception to Forrest's reasoning that simply because you are over the age of 25 you are then possibly a candidate. I understand that some disagree, but I feel that aside from being extrordinarily young or quite advanced in age, the impact that age itself has on whether one should or shouldn't get a HT really takes a backseat to things such as the quality of your donor, reaction to meds (particularly finasteride), and degree and general pattern of your loss.


Above all else, you also need to be fully informed, committed to the process, have reasonable expectations, and go about a logical plan of attack that best fits your unique needs and wants.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Regular Member

Thanks All for your valuable inputs.


So Bill, as far as i understood:

1) I need not wait untill i loose all my frontal hair, and it would be best if go to HT now itself?

2) since doc will put some follicles in between existing thin hair, and I should take medication to safeguard them, even after HT for the rest of the life?

3) But since i have a risk of loosing hair in future, i have to be prepared for a future HT, and need to reserve my donor area follicles.


Can you please confirm above?

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by sun:

Can i undergo HT now or Should i wait, untill my total frontal area become bald?

I don't think that it really matters, although it's not something you should rush into doing for many other reasons. If you don't mind waiting for a few years to see how your hair loss progresses then that is often the best choice.


Since you already have quite a lot of loss in that frontal area, most docs should work on the basis that it will be bald soon enough and plant grafts assuming all native hair will fall out eventually.


Taking finasteride is always wise since any hair you do retain in that area will add extra depth to any possible HT.


You can have a look at my web log to see how things worked for me - I do have some hair in the forelock region, but it was pretty much treated as being completely bald for the HT. I'm not long into my HT journey though so can't say whether it's a success or not icon_smile.gif

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  • Regular Member

Hi All,

Thanks for your valuable inputs.


I have found Dr Pathuri Madhu, being under coilation's recommendation screening in Hyderabad, and i have visited him.


He says:

1) I have very good donor area, and he will plant around 3000 follicular roots in the frontal area only.(will not touch crown)

2) As you said, he will plant roots in between in my existing hair of frontal area of existing hair. He also said, he will plant as if they will all fall, and so requires 3000....same as full bald case.

3) As you said, after may be 6-10 years, He will do another HT Session to frontal and crown.


My Doubts:

1) He Says, he plants as if all frontal middle existing hair will all fall, and so requires 3000....same as full bald case.


How can that be equal with full bald case, because he can only plant in between the existing roots...right....and in future, when those roots fall, i need to have them planted again with one more HT...right?


Or because of this planting in between, I will get a moderate look and may not require on more HT?


2) He will do a HT now and place roots in between my frontal middle existing hair.


Even in the future second session also, when i loose my frontal middle existing hair, he will again place new roots in between, first session planted roots.


Is there any risk in this....because of planting between........I am just feeling that if frontal area is full bald, then the HT will give me full new roots with evenness.


3) Is there any chance that, when the docs places roots in the middle, the existing roots on the sides may get affected, and after 8 months when i am looking forward for my new HT hair, my existing hair will fall down and give me unevenness immediately....because i have to wait for at least 1 more year to have second HT, for this correction?

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As to when you may need subsequent hair transplants, it varies. It may be a lot sooner than 6 to 10 years. Ultimately, it will depend on how much more hair you lose and whether or not you're satisfied with the density if you lose more natural hair.


Surgeons typically try to create a standalone procedure. This means that in the event you lose more hair, the hair transplant will at least look natural on its own ??“ even if it's not as dense as it was prior to additional natural hair loss. I'm sure that's why Dr. Madhu recommended 3000 grafts.


There are risks of shock loss (a temporary loss of hair due to trauma of the scalp) any time hair is transplanted in between and around existing natural hair. Any hair that's too weak due to male pattern baldness to withstand the trauma may not return. Other than that, the remaining natural hair should regrow.


Honestly, 3000 grafts sounds reasonable for the first procedure given the amount of hair loss and thinning you currently have.


Keep in mind that Dr. Madhu is still being considered for recommendation. He has not been fully prescreened and approved. I've invited him to present photos on our community for public review, but he has yet to take advantage of this opportunity.


Best wishes,



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Sun, I would seriously consider a Coalition clinic; at the very least, I would strongly urge you to do an online consult with a couple to at least get back the opinion of some esteemed, visible clinics who are active, and to then compare with any other doctor such as Madhu.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member
Originally posted by mani_reddy:

My worse experience with Dr Madhu pathuri who claims he is the best. took me hours before i could understand the procedure and system. the place is so dirty that now i am scared if i should have undergone the surgery. he said his staff is experienced and trained where as they are part time untrained workers. this person is full of lies and have fake identities of his staff members. he shows them like doctors or trained nurses where as they are just people without any doc degree. I found out from one of the potrayed doc herself about how this faking game is played by DR Pathuri Madhu. god knows if he has a degree of his own and from where. my surgery was very painful and the way it was done was horrible.blood was dripping on sides of my ears and neck. I was terrified. I also got unconscious once. he told me it will be very comfortable whereas it was a nightmare. i can't believe dr madhu was talking about how to increase the prices and about his business while he was doing my surgery. he stopped and talked in the middle of my surgery so many times. He is a one of the biggest liar. charged me double and the grafts are not even placed properly and half of them never grew back. I am sharing this with you so you don't become victim of such unethical liars. I really should have got my surgery abroad. people please be careful


You have posted the exact same copy/paste response on 5 different threads.


How do you expect everybody to believe you?

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