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African American male seeking doc + general advice

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Hello all. I'm new here. Here goes the first post...


I'm an African American 32 year old male considering FUE hair restoration. Started noticing hair loss around 20 years old and have gradually seen thinning around the temples and hairline receding (see photo). Not currently taking any meds or other non-surgical treatments.


Are there any members that can recommend an excellent doctor for my situation? Ideally in the California area, but willing to travel if someone comes highly recommended.


I have also heard good things about Dr. William Yates in Chicago but haven't seen him mentioned on this site.


Any feedback would be much appreciated.


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Hello and welcome to the site. I've seen some of Dr Yates videos and he seems like a reputable Dr. , but after getting on this site I came to find that many of the folks close to the industry are not fans of the ARTIS system he uses.


I've decided to use Dr Vories @ Carolina hair surgery. I like the fact that he only does FUE and others where trying to steer me to FUT. Liked the quality of work and value and got good vibes and comfort level from them.

They where also one of the few places where I saw a decent number of African American patients featured, so I'm thinking they some focus there.


Worth checking out. Hope this can help

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Firstly I want to say I have talked to dr Yates and I really like him and his results. Why he is not recommended on here is probably about money. There are some doctors like him and Jeffery Epstein that are great and for whatever reason are not recommended here. Someone who specializes in african american hair by fue is doctor Diep. His aftercare is bad but he has produced really great results. He is in San Jose.

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Thanks a lot for the replies! I will also look into these other recommended doctors.


One follow up regarding the usage of ARTAS. What are the major downsides? One concern I have is scarring as I typically wear my hair short, so if there are complications with larger punches resulting in more scarring, that is something I will take into consideration.

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Regarding your ARTAS question, one of the downsides of ARTAS is that it can only remove hair from certain parts of the scalp. Therefore, it's somewhat limited in how many grafts it can actually extract, and it's left up to the surgeon to do the rest manually - so you want to make sure they're top notch. There some advantages to it as well if used in the right hands. It has made tremendous advances recently and is a much more viable option now than it was even one year ago. (For example, the punch used to be a lot bigger than it is now).


As far as finding a surgeon goes, you've come to the right place. You'll find lots of surgeons here that you can begin to research, look at patient results, talk to patients, etc. Do lots of research and ask lots of questions until you find the surgeon who you think is the best fit for you. I don't believe there's a "one size fits all" surgeon out there, so you just need to find a leading surgeon that you trust to lead you down the right path with your hair restoration.


Regarding California surgeons specifically, Dr. Mohebi is definitely worth a look. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about him specifically or my overall hair transplant experience with him. You can shoot me a message if you want.


Otherwise, enjoy the search - and best of luck! :)

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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  • 4 years later...
On 2/12/2016 at 12:41 AM, JON86 said:

Firstly I want to say I have talked to dr Yates and I really like him and his results. Why he is not recommended on here is probably about money. There are some doctors like him and Jeffery Epstein that are great and for whatever reason are not recommended here. Someone who specializes in african american hair by fue is doctor Diep. His aftercare is bad but he has produced really great results. He is in San Jose.

What do you mean "about money?" I thought this site was based on user reviews. A HT doctor told me once that you have to pay huge membership fees to stay on here but I thought he was full of it.

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