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Recipient hair color and thickness

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  • Regular Member

16 days post op and my recipient hair color and thickness is very different from the native hair. I don't mean how close the hairs are together but, the size of the individual hairs. Is this normal and when that hair falls out and grows back in will it blend better? Thanks in advance.


Edited by Brockstar
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What you are seeing are the tips of the grafts within the recipient area. They are the graft hair that were harvested from your donor zone. This is terminal hair which is typically DHT resistant and therefore going to have maximum hair shaft caliber and appear fatter visually speaking.


The reason it appears thicker or fatter in caliber compared to the native hair is because the native hair is a bit diffused and thinner in caliber. Terminal hair is also typically darker or more pigmented than diffused hair.


And everything should look nice when it grows out...congrats on your recent procedure Brockstar...;)


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Gillenator, thanks for the response!


Although, it is a bit of a bummer. I was hoping to be able to still wear my hair buzzed . I took it all the way down without a blade on yesterday and im afraid that might have been a mistake given the difference in appearance now.

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