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Do I have enough?

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  • Regular Member

So I measured my head, because I was bored, and found that if I become NW6 like my dad, I will have 320 cm/sq of scalp that needs to be covered (I measured this area out with a conservative proposed hairline). My head circumference measured above the ear is 58.4 cm which is larger than the average 56 cm.


I have coarse, slightly wavy black hair, and an ISHRS surgeon once told me he could "get 6000 grafts out of the back of my head"


I'm really leaning towards FUE even though I know FUT produces better results. Reason being, I can live with buzzed hair with a good new hairline, and I know that FUT means I have to keep the hair a certain length.



Obviously I know that this is no substitute for a consultation, but would like your guys opinions, and any docs on this page:

is ~6000 grafts of coarse, thick hair enough to provide coverage of 320 sq cm of scalp that needs to be covered?

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  • Senior Member

I get why youre going down the FUE route it makes sense. but thats a big area to cover even with 6k grafts you could pack the first 200 cm Sq with 6k grafts amd leave the crown or you could leave 2k grafts in scalp donor and depending on how much beard hair you got make up that number (6k grafts)with BHT so if in future you want to cover the crown you got 2k grafts in the bank for it. just a suggestion for you.

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  • Senior Member

IMHO, you get could get a pretty good result from 6,000 grafts however my concern for you would be what your donor zone would look like after 6,000 scalp extractions? And especially if you wore your hair real short...:confused:


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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