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Lasering transplant hair

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I repeat maybe my question 1000 time, but all of this from the fear that i put myself in trouble and my forehead has ruined forever




I end up now as bald guy with transplant hairline, i want to shave but wirh this hairline i do not have the dare, it is not completed so systematic and most important not receded enough



So can thie hairline be lasered and removed ?


I think i had modern HT with 1, 2 hair grafts, so i m assuming there should be no scars if i laser it


I want to remove the hair from temple side and remove hair from center (1 to 2 cm) so, if i shave or cut my hair it will look normal, now it is like half giant circle with huge bald spot in mid and crown


Or punch out hair from hair line (1 cm from side on 12 cm width) on hairline to be more natural, but i m afraid from scarring, that s why i m thinking laser would be better if i target correcly and then maybe put some individual hair on sides


I need more receding hairline, it is totally worng for my case , it does not look normal


Other option, do 3 surgeries to cover my scalp with + 8000 grafts as 4 years plan, to match with this hairline



Can you recommend a surgeon to consult him about my case



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In similar position and there are 3 options with its own risks based on my research


1) FUE punch - risk of scaring below hairline. Also, If you reapply those extracted follicles to regions close to native hair, you also risk further shock loss. Although most hairs regrow from shock loss there are no guarantees they all will regrow. In both of my cases, I had significant shock loss and the native hair next to the transplanted hair are now very thin and there is a progressive gap.


2) Laser - This covers multiple hair follicles in each pass. It's more ideal for lighter skin and darker hair since the laser can better focus on your hair follicle. If you have blond hair and light skin or dark skin and dark hair it may be harder for the laser to focus on your hair follicles, resulting in the risk of burning your scalp. You also would require multiple sessions since each session miniturizes the follicles until they don't regrow. I also read that some hairs might regrow after 2 years so all hairs may not be permanently removed and might look patchy long term.


3) Electrolysis - Unlike laser that covers multiple follicles, this is a lot slower since it zaps one follicle at a time. It also requires multiple sessions and there are risks to inflammatory response and lesions but these side effects should be temporary. Electrolysis should be permanent so you won't be able to reuse the grafts for other areas.

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I have brown hair with white skin, so it is ideal for laser i think


So based on your research, electrolysis, is better option than laser


How many grafts can you remove by this method ?


I want to remove 800 may be if the density was around 50, and if there is no scar ar all this would be ideal


For me i want a forelock with light receded hairline with individal hair, my situation now is that i have like a wall on my forehead and the sides are look rough


But after that will the hair look normal not patchy, i mean after removing the first layer or zone 1, how the rest of hair will look if they were 2 and 3 hair ?


I want something normal with my bald status o if i shave or cut my hair i look normal


I talked to my clinic, they refuse to even listen to me and say this is unethical before at least 1 year then we can asses the whole situation but now it is meaningless



I have appointment with dermatologist doctor on Sunday to check my scalp status i will ask her about electrolysis solution and laser

Edited by Sam23
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i would assume there is no limitation on how many can be removed via FUE vs laser vs electrolysis, just depends on your budget vs time vs risk acceptability. Electrolysis would be slowest for 800 grafts and probably cost more than laser but I would consult with the doctor or electrologist.


Also, the other factor you need to consider is whether there is pitting or coblestoning under the 800 grafts. Try lightly run your finger nails across the scalp from the transplanted hair and to the non transplanted hair. I feel a slight difference in smoothness between transplanted vs non transplanted regions, but the only sure way to find out is to shave it and see.


If there is pitting or coblestoning, fraxel laser treatment might help smooth the skin after laser removal or electrolysis. I'm not sure if FUE punch out addresses pitting.

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When i try run my finger lightly it feels normal but if i press harder i feel the skin is not smooth but rough also, after 5 months it become much better than before, but it is still not normal it is like ridging or bumps, sometime i find some small crust that can hardly be removed, it is like dandruff or dead skin



But from temple side both side there i feel huge bump and i cannot guess if it is originally from my scalp or cobblstonning


I become paranoid from scars


That is why i m seeing a diferent doctor to check my scalp, if it heal properly

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