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Propecia UK (Doctor Fox).


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  • Regular Member

My Trichologist here in the UK who supplies me with my branded Propecia is not going to be stocking it anymore. :(


I've done some research online and via this forum, and I found an online pharmacy called Doctor Fox which is based here in the UK. There prices are cheaper than I'm paying for mine, which seems great!


I was wondering if anyone has any experience from this company and if they are genuine or not?


Thanks for your help everyone!



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  • Regular Member

I have ordered my fin from Dr fox and came within 3 days and at ?52 for 3 months supply I think its the best price iv seen yet. I will be seeing my gp those I heard of a few now getting it on proscription and as I live in Scotland I get my meds for free so its worth a punt.

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  • Senior Member
Ive never used them so can't vouch.


There are a few reliable GP's who provide private finasteride prescriptions in the UK.


If you require their contact info feel free to message me or email: support@spexhair.com


If you order with fox online let us know how you get on.





Full marks for the sly promotion. It's pretty funny how you promote and recommend a GP who charges more for meds than another GP mentioned here, yet your signature makes no mention of the fact that you have admitted to getting "discounted" meds from the GP you recommend. I'd be surprised if you aren't actually getting FREE meds plus money on top for the amount of business you must get your favoured GP.


It's hardly ethical to work for him in what is essentially a covert way while another GP used by others here is supplying the same medication for significantly less money.

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Well, in my opinion it's murky dealings. The fact is you are financially obligated to a GP who you recommend. At least now you've put a mention in your signature. Why not state in your signature who gives you the discounted medication (rather than just that you get it discounted)?


How discounted is discounted? Or do you consider that private information?


I've seen enough on this forum over the years for my cynicism to be justified, in my opinion.

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  • Senior Member

I am indeed surprised that you aren't getting more out of it than that for recommending them but I accept your word as truth here. Thanks for clarifying.


By the way, I recommended the GP I used here after he asked me to put in a good word for him because I had bought from him, which I was happy to do.

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