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HT in Budapest (Hungary) - ProHair, Phaeyde, Hair Palace


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Hi all,



I wanted to post some on the ground research I did in Budapest for FUE transplant.

I also had a couple of questions at the very end.


About me: I am 40, from the UK, no major hair loss however interested in lowering my hairline.


Why Budapest?:

1. Clinics from Hungary advertise heavily in the UK

2. They often provide local London consultations, which was convenient

3. Their treatments are 1/3rd the price of the UK's clinics

4. They are (almost) in EU, so there are some basic standards

5. The treatments are almost always done by a doctor (not a tech)

6. The clinics appeared to have some phenomenal results

7. And many give you a guarantee (e.g. 90% of follicles will grow back etc.)


So it sounded too good to be true, hence I decided to take a holiday in Budapest whilst doing some on the ground research.


On the ground:

I had set up 4 appointments.


Clinic 1 (I will not name) - had gone bankrupt...so no one answered the phone on the day of the appointment - I found this out from the other 3 clinics.


Clinic 2 - Phayde - It's out in the suburbs (in Pest). It's quite new and clean. Mainly set up to attract Brits.The owner is more of businessman who has a panel of doctors he hires on need basis to perform the procedure. I met one doctor who was performing a procedure on the day....but there were no certificates or qualifications of anyone so for all you know they were just techs pretending to be doctors. Overall too much of a hard sell. More importantly (and scarily) they give you blood thickeners and vallium before the treatment!!! Not a very comfortable feeling. Price ca. EUR 3000 for 1600 FUE grafts. Asked for references got none.


Clinic 3 - HairPalace - in the town (in Pest). It's quite new and clean. Mainly set up to attract Brits. Met the rep (who spoke English). Results were phenomenal. Then met a Dr. (once again who knows if she really were a dr.). They offer a guarantee of the work. To minimise their risk they want you to shave the whole head (not just the donor area), advise you 3 week downtime. Seemed very professional. No hardsell. However, they do give you blood thickeners. Price ca. EUR 1500 for 2000 FUE grafts. Asked for references got none.


Clinic 4 - ProHair - In the wealthy suburb in Buda. Met the Dr. - Thomas Mantse. He is a one man shop, who was in the process of setting up his own place (currently practicing in a larger clinic). V good results, trained in Canada/US with Dr. Walter Unger. Doesnt give you valium or thickeners. Uses needles to set the new follicles (instead of a rotary tool). Offered 5 references. I wrote to all of them , 3 came back with very glowing and positive feedback (and some really good results...mostly the density looked really really natural). Offered a written guarantee of his results. price ca. EUR 2500 for 2000 grafts.


Questions: Has anyone heard of or got a procedure done with Dr. Thomas Mantse or heard of Dr. Walter Unger?

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''linic 4 - ProHair - In the wealthy suburb in Buda. Met the Dr. - Thomas Mantse. He is a one man shop, who was in the process of setting up his own place (currently practicing in a larger clinic). V good results, trained in Canada/US with Dr. Walter Unger. Doesnt give you valium or thickeners. Uses needles to set the new follicles (instead of a rotary tool). Offered 5 references. I wrote to all of them , 3 came back with very glowing and positive feedback (and some really good results...mostly the density looked really really natural). Offered a written guarantee of his results. price ca. EUR 2500 for 2000 grafts''




Did you go with him in the end? I'm looking into him at the moment

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You state you are 40 with no major hairloss


Why would you want to run the risk of possibly permanently damaging the follicles you have by lowering your hairline?


I don’t think you should be looking at surgery anyway if I’m being honest


The 3 Drs clinics you state are not recommended here, 2 you can’t even name a DR and the last one who seems more skilled as he’s not using the chio pen I’ve never heard of, Hungary is cheap and let’s face it cost is your only reason for looking there if you really want a transplant and FUE I’d recommend spending the money and booking in with a Dr reccomended here whom have a proven track record.


Forget the garuntee also no Dr can garuntee a hair transplant is even going to grow let alone 90%

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Firstly, I strongly suggest posting some photos. Also, is there a reason why you aren't considering more well-recognized, recommended physicians from this community? If you look towards the right hand sidebar, we have a list of recommended physicians by name and area. To view all our recommended physicians, click here. Be careful not to let location determine which doctor you go to. Sure it's convenient to go to a local doctor however, it's far better to travel to go see a doctor with an outstanding reputation for producing the best results and get it right the first time than getting it done locally and risk your scalp. You only have so much donor hair.


That said, talk to members of this forum, do some research and you'll see that physicians recommended by this community have an outstanding track record.


Best wishes,



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