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Can I have a 5th surgery??? 2FUT and 2 FUE already..


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Well I'm 14 months past my 4th surgery with Dr. Bhatti.


Here is my history. If you want more pictures and details about what I've been through please check my post history.


1st- FUT 1800 grafts in 2010 Dr. Pong Thailand

2nd - FUT 3200 grafts in 2012 Dr. Panine Chicago

3rd - FUE 2000 grafts in 2013 Dr. Panine Chicago

4th - FUE 1650 grafts in 2014 Sr. Bhatti India


After all this.. I am still wanting more hair in see through areas. I know it's hair greed and it maybe unattainable but I will still keep trying if possible.


What all my surgeries have in common is that I tried to save money. These doctors were all among the cheapest I could afford. Not saying that the doctors I used were unskilled and I'm unhappy with the results because I am obviously better than where I started.But I continued to lose hair so I was chasing. These days, I have almost no shedding. That;s why I'm considering another with a world renown doctor.


I think Dr. Hasson and team have to be among the best in the industry. I hoping a Dr. Hasson magic session will give me hair that I can style better and contend with some of the other results I have seen from him.


I have decided that I will not let money be a factor if I can have another surgery.. But I'm worried that my donor is too ate up to even consider it and the yield could be seriously affected because the scar tissue.


It would be a FUT. The problem is that I got FUE beard grafts in my FUT scar by Dr. Bhatti that turned out very good. He hid the large scar I had from my FUT. Anyways I can always go back to Dr. Bhatti to do it again and I wouldn't hesitate to go to him again.


My questions are, Has anyone had a FUT after a FUE? Does the scar tissue from the FUE grafts disrupt the ability to get healthy grafts from a FUT that cuts through the area from which FUE grafts were harvested.


I have been on Finasteride religiously. I plan on focusing on the front 2/3 and only more in the crown if the doctor Hasson thinks it's okay because I trust his opinion.







Edited by densedream
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Thanks for the interest in Dr Hasson. It seems you still have some good donor hair available to move. I know we have spoken before about your crown and all the grafts that you have used trying to get density. The photo of your crown is blurry so hard to tell whether placing anymore grafts here would be advisable.


The front certainly looks like it can be improved. We have done many FUT surgeries on patients that have had previous FUE it really depends how depleted the donor is. Se7en who documented his story on here had FUE back before you did and from a company that cannot be named on here. The donor was really scarred and depleted but Dr Wong was still able to pull a good number of grafts. His story is here Previous FUE patient


You ideally need to be seen in person, available donor hair assessed, laxity and number of grafts that you would need to fulfill your goals in the front. Drop me a PM if you want me to get Dr Hasson to assess your case.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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