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60 days


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Hey People,


Im almost 60 days out now after having my HT (3,000+) in early april. About 2 weeks ago, i was having ton of ingrown hairs, and thankfully that has slowed down a bit now. Now, I have little black hairs poppin up, and I can see tiny black dots below the surface of my skin. Im wondering if this is ahead of schedule? I would say that abot 10% of my transplants survived, and that another 5% have popped through. The areas are still sparse as far as growth goes, but from what I've been reading on here, most people arent seeing anything until the 3 month marker. Or is this a normal growth pattern? I would post pics, but due to Patt's legal deal with my doc, they would most likely be deleted again. I would especially like to hear back from other people that are about 60 days out to compare results so far.

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Hey People,


Im almost 60 days out now after having my HT (3,000+) in early april. About 2 weeks ago, i was having ton of ingrown hairs, and thankfully that has slowed down a bit now. Now, I have little black hairs poppin up, and I can see tiny black dots below the surface of my skin. Im wondering if this is ahead of schedule? I would say that abot 10% of my transplants survived, and that another 5% have popped through. The areas are still sparse as far as growth goes, but from what I've been reading on here, most people arent seeing anything until the 3 month marker. Or is this a normal growth pattern? I would post pics, but due to Patt's legal deal with my doc, they would most likely be deleted again. I would especially like to hear back from other people that are about 60 days out to compare results so far.

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  • Regular Member

Adam; I had a HT 7 weeks ago with Doc Jeffrey Epstein and I shed about 60% of the grafts in the first 3 or 4 weeks. The surviving 40% have been growing ( although slower than I'd like---like everyone else, I'm in a hurry ) and I too have been having stubble pop up and also black dots just under the surface. Just as Rugger says,I think you're right on schedule

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  • Regular Member

Grats on making it to 60 days! I had several times where I thought I saw new growth. But, it wasn't till around the 80 day mark until things actually started kicking off some. Feel free to write me for the address to my web site if you want to compare your current results.




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Except for the numbness, you described my experience pretty much to the letter. My numbness really started to fade a week or two ago. After getting a little bit of sun a about a week ago, the pinkish deal faded quite a bit, and I think that it helped restore the feeling. I dont know if that was a coincidence, but i would say that my recipient area is almost 100% back to normal as far as any numbess is concerned. I also noticed that my recipient area has a ton of tiny blond hairs that I can only see if the light hits at the right angle. I think that's the indicator of growth? And everyday i notice a few more black hairs poking though. Today is my exact 2 month mark!

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It seems that the level of numbness in my recipient area varies from time to time and with the time of day. I've tended to have some feeling return at night over the past couple of weeks, but, in the morning, it's almost totally without feeling. Also, some of the feeling has returned to near normal in my recipient region closer to my sides and forehead. Also, more hairs seem to be popping up daily.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Senior Member



It seems that the level of numbness in my recipient area varies from time to time and with the time of day. I've tended to have some feeling return at night over the past couple of weeks, but, in the morning, it's almost totally without feeling. Also, some of the feeling has returned to near normal in my recipient region closer to my sides and forehead. Also, more hairs seem to be popping up daily.


I just took a look at your 2 month photos.. is your reddness gone?






630 FUT - 8/27/03

2200 FUT - 5/20/05

2000 FUT - 12/15/07



"i haven't been this bald since.... well... since I was born!"

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