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FUE removing scabs

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  • Regular Member

Hi everyone. Today I went to my doctor who performed my 1500 FUE Neograft procedure. I am 13 days post-op. I still have little tiny scabs all over my head. The nurse instructed me to begin washing my hair by rubbing the palms of my fingers in tiny little circles on my scalp in order to loosen and remove the scabs. She said if I don't remove the scabs, the hair could become ingrown. So I did as I was told... and I noticed a lot of scabs started to come off and almost every scab contained tiny little hair(s).


How do I know if I'm not rubbing too hard? How do I know if I'm not doing damage? I know they said some tiny little hairs would shed, but something about this is making me nervous. The grafts are ok at this point, right? Did I just ruin the entire thing? Now that I've removed some scabs, I'm seeing more bare scalp...

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  • Senior Member

Perfectly normal sounding. Your grafts will shed - and during the scab falling off phase, you will notice it more. Soon you will return to a pre-op condition - that's the 'ugly duckling' phase. Which is really a misnomer.


By 13 days those grafts are totally secure - FYI - grafts being pulled out are usually accompanied by bleeding.

I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


My Hair Regimen: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks. As I said, I rubbed some scabs until they loosened and came off. That truly is ok? Even though I'm seeing bare scalp now


And by totally secure... does that mean that gentle rubbing can't hurt them? How secure are we talking?


(Sorry... I'm just paranoid about this whole thing.)

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  • Senior Member
....I rubbed some scabs until they loosened and came off. That truly is ok? Even though I'm seeing bare scalp now?


That is exactly what you would expect to see - nothing.


But, if all things were done right, and you are a good responder, you will see hairs there in 3-4 months!

I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


My Hair Regimen: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for all the quick replies. One last question... before when you said "totally secure," how secure are we talking? Secure enough that the rubbing I did (and have to continue to do) won't ruin anything or cause me to lose transplanted grafts? At this point what would it take to hurt the grafts/ruin the work done during the procedure?

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