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HT on June 25 2009 at Hyd, India


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Guys, I finally uploaded my pictures. HT done by Dr. Puli Ravindra Reddy of Pacific Medical hospitals from Hyderabad, India.Doctor claimed that he did planted 4000 hairs, but, did not give me the exact count. All in single session. Doctor did the Incession, stitching, holes on the scalp, where as helpers did the planting of hairs. Process took 7 hours overall.

I am currently washing my hair 2 times a day with medicated shampoo and johnsons baby shampoo and on 1 mg of finistrade (from Cipla) 1 time a day.



What do you guys have to say about my progress.

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I have to agree with hair_care. This looks like multi-unit grafts spaced too far apart. Reminds me a lot of Jagdish's first procedure, I believe his doctor was called Reddy, is it the same guy?


While this is definitely not the gold standard in hair transplant practice, it could give you a solid base for a second transplant, ideally with a top doctor.

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That is normal at this stage, assuming that it is not intolerable.


I doubt that this will produce an acceptable density, but I remember that Jagdish looked surprisingly good when his first HT grew, so you will have to wait and see.

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It is about a month now. Should i still be using the medicated shampoo + baby shampoo or can i return to normal herbal shampoo. What shampoo do you guys recommend? And at what frequency should I wash my hair? I am in USA so please recommend something that I can get in US.

Looking at my 24th day pics my HT and pre op pics, do you think my HT hair started to fall off (I understand it regrows).

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You can use any shampoo at this time. Wash your hair once a day, that should be fine. I use head and shoulders, but you can use just about any shampoo. Your entire transplanted hair will fall off and start re growing after about a three month resting phase. Just one question though, since you are in the US why did you not consult with a Coalition doc in the US? why go and have HT done in India?

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Thanks for the comments guys. I hope that it grows thicker coupled with my original hair.

Also, as part of surgery, the donor area was cut for almost 10 inches from side to side. is it still possible to go for another HT in the future?

Is it normal to have the transplanted hair to fall off as soon as 3 weeks?

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