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Do blood vessels and nerves heal after FUT?

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Dear friends,

I am planning to do a hair restoration session next month, and have this question in my mind: Do damaged blood vessels in the scalp (capillaries, veins) heal after the surgery(ie interconnect like they were before the incision)?



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Congratulations! You made an excellent decision coming to the forums too. You'll be able to get a lot of good information here and go into surgery informed and ready!


Luckily, yes. Nerves and blood vessels do grow back after FUT -- or "FUSS" or "strip surgery." The small blood vessels severed during the procedure will heal. New blood vessels and new nerves will also naturally form and grow. This leaves you with a strong vascular and nerve supply in the back of the scalp. What does this mean? Good, healthy growth and normal sensation in the scalp.


Best of luck! Feel free to ask any additional questions. Hope you'll keep us all updated on your progress.

Dr. Blake Bloxham is recommended by the Hair Transplant Network.



Hair restoration physician - Feller and Bloxham Hair Transplantation


Previously "Future_HT_Doc" or "Blake_Bloxham" - forum co-moderator and editorial assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, Hair Restoration Network, Hair Loss Q&A blog, and Hair Loss Learning Center.


Click here to read my previous answers to hair loss and hair restoration questions, editorials, commentaries, and educational articles.


Now practicing hair transplant surgery with Coalition hair restoration physician Dr Alan Feller at our New York practice: Feller and Bloxham Hair Transplantation.


Please note: my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Regular Member

Be prepared for how wierd it feels though if you get a fut, that really shocked me, to not be able to feel a good portion of your head for awhile, i had it done two weeks ago and the feeling is starting to come back. and my crown is really sore, just to the touch though not always. I had no idea it would feel like this, it wouldnt have changed my descision to have a transplant, but I guess it would have been nice to know, so now you know.


or maybe your experience would be different

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  • Senior Member

It takes time for the severed nerves and blood vessels to repair and regrow so there can be a numbing sensation post-op that can last for up to 12 months post-op.


Sometimes the feeling comes back quicker and sometimes a tad bit slower.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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