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Vit E oil all night?

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  • Regular Member

should I let this greasy stuff soak in al night and day? my instructions says apply morning and night but it seems wrong to leave it in all the time, should I just leave it in an hour or so then shower?


also another question, i had my hair line done, the right side is fine, no scabs or crusts but the left side has scabs and crusts, why the difference? just weird I think, my camera is crap so pics arent worth putting up

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Personally, I prefer using Aloe Vera gel over Vitamin E oil simply because of how greasy and messy it is. However, if you prefer Vitamin E oil, there's no reason why you can't leave it in for awhile. However, to avoid a messy pillow at night, you might want to shower (as per your physician's post-op instructions of course) before you go to sleep and then re-apply in the morning :-).


As far as the difference in the hairline and how it's healing, I wouldn't worry about analyzing it too much. It may have to do with how many hairs were placed on one side versus the other, it could be with how you are sleeping at night (maybe some of the crusts are coming off at night), etc.


Best wishes,



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