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Dr. Lindsey Young guy 26 months out from frontal triangles McLean VA

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This professional passed through DC last week. He'd called saying he thought I needed to start planning a second case. He comes from a long line of class 5 hair relatives and is on meds, and I haven't seen him since the sutures came out.


He looks terrific and most importantly, he looks natural. While only about 25 years old, we gave him a hairline that will look ok in his 50s and later. (Since we didn't do the exact middle frontal hairline, we may have to deal with that at some point, but what we didn't do is go "straight across" the forehead like so many of his peers have and then that hairline won't change with age and he'll look unusual. See any of the several posts I've done on that topic.)


Shown are preop and end of surgery, and one week suture removal pics, and at 26 months.


He certainly needs no hair work at present, but odds are at some time in the future we'll see him again.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA












William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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...what we didn't do is go "straight across" the forehead like so many of his peers have and then that hairline won't change with age and he'll look unusual.


It may be unusual in the sense that it's uncommon but there's nothing "wrong" with such a hairline from an aesthetic/naturalness PoV imo. There are far more prescient justifications one could point to than "oh, it'll look unusual when you're older".


I'm not disagreeing that it simply wouldn't be smart to transplant that hairline onto a 25 y/o who's likely headed NW5+, but saying the hairline will "look odd" when he's older is not really a legitimate argument in my eyes (and it's a mantra that's often trotted out around here!).


All that said, nice case. Like the work.

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He is easy to work with...hard to not get a decent result with donor hair of that caliber. THICK, WIREY, and good color match. If only everyone had donor hair with similar characteristics.


Dr. Lindsey

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Yep. I see and operate on roughly 40 Indians or Afgans or Pakistanis each year. Regardless of politics and religion...their heads are very similar. And I tell them all there are only 2 kinds of hairs from that region.


1. Fine, often very dense, straight hair. If they have enough density in the donor region we can almost always get a very nice result. Unfortunately some have limited density so we can cover less but usually still get a good result.


2. Thick wirey crazy "Dr. Emmet Brown" hair. That hair covers so well that even a little donor goes along way. Almost impossible not to get a superb outcome.


If only all the world had that donor hair!


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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