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In Need Of Help - Got New Receding Hairline - What To Do?? PIC

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  • Senior Member

Do you have any older photos showing the hairline? Your hair looks really strong to me but you will know better then anyone if you are losing.


Perhaps you could see a dermatologist and express your concerns to them, and have any loss monitored. At the moment I personally wouldn't consider medication until you're sure, and certainly not a transplant yet.

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i dont have any that will show you like that one does im afraid....yeah ive been to the doctor and he just said i have a V and to ask my dad when he lost his hair....i did notice a big shed couple of years back when i received some bad news...also i burnt it in the sun really bad as well

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  • Senior Member

Stress and emotional trauma can cause loss and kick-start male pattern baldness. I'm not too sure if the sun burn would have any adverse effect on the hair growth though.


Personally, I would keep a close eye on it and see if there is any progression, if you notice it getting worse you could try Finasteride (Propecia) and/or Minoxidil (Rogaine).


I wouldn't even consider a transplant at this time for many reasons.


I'm sure others will chime in with their advice but for now that's what I would do.


P.S. If it was your normal doctor/GP you consulted with, I would still visit a dermatologist as GPs are generally useless when it comes to this.

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  • Senior Member

I agree w/ Maxxy. And would absolutely go see an actual dermatologist -- ideally one with some type of expertise in hair restoration -- to get checked out. The advice you got seems like it may have been from someone without much expertise in MPB.


Looking at your pics....I first would have to agree that you have a very nice, strong hairline and head of hair right now. So, congrats on that -- I was a balded bozo at your age. icon_smile.gif At the same time, I do detect what seems like some gradual thinning/recession that seems to be in the vein of MPB.


I wouldn't even think about a HT, eithr, but going to a Dr. with some expertise in MPB and potentially getting on finasteride would be wise, IMHO.


The thing with fin is that its primary efficacy is for your crown and vertex, and that it takes several months to build up its potency. It's also best at preserving the hair that you have, vs. actual regrowth (though it can do both); so, it's really optimal to get on it at the first detection of true MPB.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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  • Senior Member

Finasteride can cause side effects. Personally I believe my libido decreased. The only way to find out how you will respond to it in terms of results and side effects is by trying it.


There are many members on this site who have been using Finasteride for over 5 years with continued results, some people have used it for well over 10 years.

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