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Dr Bisanga - the big day beckons!! Scary.


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Firstly, I'd like to say thanks to everyone on this forum. It has helped me immensely over the last few years. This is my first post but I will be updating it over the next 12 months as next Monday (6th July) I go in for my HT with Dr Bisanga.


I'm 34, work in The City (London) have have been on finasteride and minoxcidle for the last 4 years. I'm Norwood 2 and will be having 1500 FUE to repair my hairline. Since taking the finasteride my hairline hasn't deteriorated. I will not be shaving it all down but will instead attempt to style this out so no one notices. I'm taking 3 weeks off work and will be going on holiday on day 6 with my family (wife and two kids).


Naturally I'm a little nervous but mainly around the unknown, the final result and people at work finding out. I'll update next Monday (surgery day) and quite regularly for the first few weeks and then monthly from about 2 months. There is very little on the sites about keeping the hair unshaven and best ways to keep the HT hidden so I'll try and help others with this. Im not afraid to shave it if it looks terrible but would prefer to not be like Grant Mitchell when dealing with clients etc at work.


Be interesting to know if anyone has any advice or experience of Bisanga. My research was thorough and so far they have been very professional. This has booked since November last year so it feels weird the waiting is up.


Can't wait to be a bandana pirate in 8 days time.

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