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One year after Bosley


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Hello HR community,


It's been 14 months since my procedure at Bosley. Unfortunately I came across this site 2 weeks after my surgery and could do nothing but cross my fingers and hope for the best while expecting the worst. Not surprisingly the final result ended up being closer to worst. All I have to show for 2200 grafts and $11Gs is permanent shock loss to the top and a sparse hairline that is ultra conservative for my age (31) even by conservative placement standards. I at least used to be able to get away with a "sweeping, not quite comb-over" style but now can't even do that because of the shock loss that nearly goes back to the crown. I've attached some before and after pics for you to look at and help me determine what my next course of action should be. How many grafts do you think it will take to give me a respectable hairline and achieve decent density? Thank God for these Boards, I just wish I had discovered them a little sooner.


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I think that is what you can expect for 2200 grafts, all those short wispy hairs are going to thicken up by the 12 month mark and give you a luxuriously thick hairline. Oh wait a minute, I just saw that Bosley did your procedure, um, yea.... I actually don't think you got a very good yield.


Seriously though, I am sorry that things did not turn out well. I think you could explore some repair options with a top doc. You will likely need a very conservative hairline, but their is hope for you that this can be fixed.

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As u have stated , it would seem your no better of , maybe worse of than before surgery,

i,d say u need about 3k grafts to get to were u want to be (donor permiting)

and using a coalition doc recommended of this site.

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I feel for you...I went to Bosley as well, and my result was mediocre AT BEST. It seems like though you did not get butchered which is a positive...From your picture it appears that your hairline does at least look natural. In the end, are your results indicative of 11k-Not E


In dealing with Bosley, the first thing you need to do is ask for a copy of you medical records. This will help you better understand your procedure...


From your pictures, it looks like your yield was very low-very nominal growth. Couple this with your shock loss, your net result is worse than when you started. So much for DO NO HARM TO THE PATIENT...In addition, compared to other docs who have posted results of 2200 FU'S it seems that the distribution of the grafts were poor too.


Triplej, the best thing you can do is continue to share your negative experience about Bosley, so as other people could possibly avoid them...By the way, who was your doctor at Bosley and have shared with him the displeasure of your results.


It sounds like you have been doing your research which is a good thing...Without knowing your donor density it would be difficult for you to have realistic expecations of how to move forward. It would be in your best interest to schedule start the process of investing your time in doing virtual and in oerson consults with some of the coalition docs.

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Thanks all for your feedback.


M1A1, your post was more than coherent. I'm just chalking this one up to a very expensive learning experience and moving forward. I've been diligently doing my homework and looking at a procedure sometime next spring. 3K sounds/looks about right and I think I have the donor to do it but we'll see what the docs have to say.


Thanks for the encouragement. I'll keep y'all posted.

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I'm genuinely impressed by your great attitude about your less-than-stellar Bosley experience, and your ability to focus on learning from the experience as you move forward.


To that end, I think it might require a bit more than 3k grafts to achieve your goals of a nice hairline with decent density. My own guess is that it could require up to 5000 grafts in light of your diffuse thinning and (permanent?) shockloss from the last procedure.


Ultimately, it's an empirical question, so I believe the next step in your due diligence may be to seek out well-documented cases of repair work on guys who started out with similar hair profiles following unsatisfactory HT#1 and still ended up with the sort of 2nd HT result you're aiming for. My own hunch, based on a couple of years' worth of looking over results, is that there are few if any such cases out there that pulled off that sort of transformation with only 3000 grafts . . . but I hope I'm wrong!


Anyway, best wishes as you move forward (and put the unsavory Bosley experience in life's metaphorical rearview mirror).

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Chaulk this up to another Bosley blunder. I feel for you. I made the same mistake. I found this forum 3 months after my procedure and also had unpleasurable results. All you can do is move forward and be positive. Good Luck!!!

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Thanks fellas. I'm definitely disappointed but what good does it do to dwell on it? I'm not saying there doesn't need to be accountability and justice for those who have been hurt by the likes of Bosley, but there's a way to pursue it without being consumed by bitterness and anger. The art of letting go is a wonderful thing.


Sparse, I'm not sure either if 3k will do it but we'll see. One thing I've learned while perusing these boards is that it's ultimately about the # of hairs, not grafts, that matter. 3k grafts could mean 4,000 hairs or 6,000 hairs depending on a variety of factors. Right now I am leaning toward Dr. Alexander or H&W.

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No problem-glad to help...


As you are planning for your surgery next spring, it would be in your best interest to immediately start doing scalp exercises...Jotronic with the H&W clinic has a great video up on youtube...They definitely work...The scalp exercises helped me go from a 14cm strip to a 30cm with my surgery at Shapiro Medical. And so far the scar looks good...


A poster on this forum did them for a long time and he developed some crazy laxity for his procedure...


Best of luck,

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Originally posted by TripleJ: Sparse, I'm not sure either if 3k will do it but we'll see. One thing I've learned while perusing these boards is that it's ultimately about the # of hairs, not grafts, that matter. 3k grafts could mean 4,000 hairs or 6,000 hairs depending on a variety of factors. Right now I am leaning toward Dr. Alexander or H&W.


Yes, several parameters beyond the mere number of grafts can profoundly affect HT outcomes - especially hair characteristics (coarseness, wave, etc.) and the average number of hairs per graft. Regardless, I can't recall seeing a well-documented result of someone who started out with extensive loss and diffuse thinning after HT #1 and yet still wound up with a great result with an HT #2 of only 3000 grafts. Maybe such cases are out there - if so, it would be great to learn about them!


And I know it's risky to generalize from any single case example, but it may still be informative to consider that in one of Dr. Hasson's most impressive repair cases, he used over 4000 grafts just on the frontal third (and a little spot work on the crown): http://hair-restoration-info.c...21087683/m/821109944.


I'm admittedly biased on this one, but I don't believe anyone else out there can pull off the sort of successful 4-6k mega-session that's now become routine at H&W.

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