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20 something yr old looking to fix hairline

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Just as the title says, I am turning 22 in the summer and I was just wondering what my options are for correcting a hairline. I feel like the middle part of my hairline is too high up in comparison to the rest of my hairline (on the left and right edges).


I'd consider surgery depending on the costs and how minimal the scarring is but I have no idea what procedures would be recommended for just a very small part in the hairline to be restored. I am looking for mostly the middle part to be restored and lowered somewhat to be close to even with the rest of my hairline (when i was younger I got a head injury and got stitches in the middle part of my hairline which I think has caused the hair to stop growing).


Let me know if I can provide any other information, help would be gladly appreciated thank you very much!



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20 Something,


We don't typically do surgery for young patients like yourself because there have not been enough years for a hair loss pattern to develop. Thankfully though, your case is very unique. It appears that you have very little if any, other hair loss occurring. Male pattern alopecia is still a potential for your future, but at this time it is not obvious. Also, the hair loss that you have is the result of a scar.


I would recommend 1-2 sessions of FUE to the scar area to bridge the gap of your native hair. The reason I recommend FUE is that your future hair loss is still unknown and the surgery required will not have to be very large. (It is tough to see with the pics how many grafts you will need - probably a couple hundred or less) You may do FUT if you desire.

Also, I recommend more than one session, because we would be transplanting into scar tissue and it is sometimes unpredictable. Depending on how the grafts take, we may have to space the grafts out slightly the first session. It may take more than one session to create a density that you are happy with.

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You can definite get fue to adjust your hairline due to the scar


Might be a good options since you show no signs of balding


thank you for the input.


20 Something,


We don't typically do surgery for young patients like yourself because there have not been enough years for a hair loss pattern to develop. Thankfully though, your case is very unique. It appears that you have very little if any, other hair loss occurring. Male pattern alopecia is still a potential for your future, but at this time it is not obvious. Also, the hair loss that you have is the result of a scar.


I would recommend 1-2 sessions of FUE to the scar area to bridge the gap of your native hair. The reason I recommend FUE is that your future hair loss is still unknown and the surgery required will not have to be very large. (It is tough to see with the pics how many grafts you will need - probably a couple hundred or less) You may do FUT if you desire.

Also, I recommend more than one session, because we would be transplanting into scar tissue and it is sometimes unpredictable. Depending on how the grafts take, we may have to space the grafts out slightly the first session. It may take more than one session to create a density that you are happy with.


Thanks for the extensive and detailed reply, do you have any recommendations for doctors in the NYC/Long Island area?


the scar really bothers me and I want to get it corrected. Never thought about it until I realized I always have my hair down and with fringes to try and cover it up.


I don't know the pros/cons of FUE over FUT... But I did read that the FUT leaves a bigger scar in the back of your head where they harvest the donor hairs so that might be a deal breaker for me. I just want a small procedure done... think if I were to re take some pictures with flash and upload them here you would be able to give me a better estimate at how much damage needs to be corrected?

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