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20 years old pretty aggressive diffuse loss and recession

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Alright heres the deal. I am 20 years old and have been experiencing both diffuse loss and frontal and temple recession since I was about 16.

I use rogaine right now and it doesnt seem to be doing much, I was on propecia for over a year and it slowed it down a LITTLE, but not much, and wasnt worth it as I was experiencing many side effects that I couldn't deal with. So thats really out. Its getting to the point where you can see a lot of scalp all over my head now and I know I am headed for most likely nw6.


However, I am realistic about this, I know ill never have a full head of hair back with full coverage, but I would like to start to address this problem by getting an HT when I am 21 next fall. By then, I will have lost most of my hair at the rate this is going so I really dont have much to "risk" if I know that I wont be keeping pretty much any of my hair. I can tell by the thinning it is nw6 all the way.



Just how much coverage would be possible to get once I start addressing this problem? Could I possibly get back to a NW2 with just a lower density all over? Because that would be fine.

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Alright heres the deal. I am 20 years old and have been experiencing both diffuse loss and frontal and temple recession since I was about 16.

I use rogaine right now and it doesnt seem to be doing much, I was on propecia for over a year and it slowed it down a LITTLE, but not much, and wasnt worth it as I was experiencing many side effects that I couldn't deal with. So thats really out. Its getting to the point where you can see a lot of scalp all over my head now and I know I am headed for most likely nw6.


However, I am realistic about this, I know ill never have a full head of hair back with full coverage, but I would like to start to address this problem by getting an HT when I am 21 next fall. By then, I will have lost most of my hair at the rate this is going so I really dont have much to "risk" if I know that I wont be keeping pretty much any of my hair. I can tell by the thinning it is nw6 all the way.



Just how much coverage would be possible to get once I start addressing this problem? Could I possibly get back to a NW2 with just a lower density all over? Because that would be fine.

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Hey man,


Primarily, its impossible to be able to comment on your particular situation and possible future goals without seeing any of photos.


Having said that, Im sure men that have much more advanced hairloss patterns than yourself, have achieved quite amazing results. HTs will never give you genuine density equal to before experincing any hairloss. However, with the perfect choice of a coalition Dr. the techniques and angles used for the transplanted hair will give the "illusion" of good/great density. Therefore, it is very important to stay positive yet realistic.


Being quite young, you also need to think about any future hairloss that may occur on both areas that will be and will not be covered by any initial HT. For this reason, a solid long-term plan is so important.


Begin with some online consultations with some of the recommended Doctors here on this site, and get some feedback and information from them, regarding your own personal case.


Remember, that you can never do enough research.

Good luck!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Senior Member

the two proven meds ...propecia and rogaine work and try to save the existing hairs on your head.you cant get back hairs from the dead roots rather the roots which have got weakened by the attack of dht can get some help to survive.dont say that these two meds dont work man.i am also just 24 and like you.....i feel so bad but what to do man.......::...god bless you.go for these two as the rest is bull shit.....have these for atleast 12 months and then go for a surgery if you want.




right now you are just too young for a ht...be on meds and maybe you will get what you have lost...........icon_smile.gif

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whilst it is normally good advice to push a very young guy of 20yrs old away from a potential HT, I agree. None of us have seen his photos. With his discription that you can see the majority of his scalp, he may still be a good candidate at the age of 20. Whilst Im not saying that he necessarily is, you can not dismiss it without analysing his personal case. This is why I believe that if you feel you are at a loss with the whole hair loss situation, get some solid feedback from some of the top coalition docs. They can advise you much better than ourselves. Then you can set yourself out with a long term goal, whether than includes a HT in the next few years or not!!!

Good luck!!!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Senior Member

I agree pictures are needed but in general if a person has lost a tremendous amount of hair by age 20 I would hold off until things stabilized before making a big decision like a HT. There are some young guys that get HT's and then regret them later because more and more hair kept falling out.

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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