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Thinking about round 2 hair transplant

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Good Day all first post here

I am 42 years old now and have a pretty half decent set of hair. My hair has always been fine but lots of it. It is the front that is thinning. About 15 years ago I got 1500 graphs in that area and it did I think a pretty good job.


Now I am 42 and I am seeing that area is light again, basically I can comb my hair down and it doesnt look like I am balding at all, but if I comb it up you can really see the thinness


In any case I am considering Dr Pong In Thailand as I am here for a few months anyway. I also visited two more doctors the famous Dr P in Bkk and one other which has a name that escapes me. All three doctors agree I have a lot of hair and all 3 doctors say yes my front is weak but not terrible. All three doctors think that restoring 1500 to 1700 hairs to that area keeping my existing hairline will really help.


Basically they tell me I have a good hairline but in the front my hair is about 20% density. They say with treatment which would be more of a confidence boost mor ethen anything they could probably make that area around 60 to 70% which would allow me to pull it up, and just have a stronger hairline.


I been beating my head over if for a while now trying to decide if I should do it. I remembered the frist time I did it I promise myself I would never do it again:) I didnt like the time it took to heal or they idea that you could just go out the day after and no one would notice, it took good two weeks to do that


The doctors seem to think my first job was okay but not amazing and i do have a lot of transplaneted hair still growing, but perhaps it is tne non transplanted hair i lost in this area.


I have concerns to do it again. Number one is the shockloss I just cant get my head around it I am not afraid at all of losing the transplanted hairs, I expect that, what I am worried about is losing the existing hairs in that area.. I know it is temporary but I am freaked out a bit I will look super bald in that area for a while before it recovers cause right now I can mask it pretty good with my 20% hanging down.


its just been so long:) i have been taking propecia for 15 years, not sure if it does anything but to scared to stop using it, i was using minoxidil on and off for last few years but hated it cause the liquid made me look like a drowned rat, so i often stopped which isnt a great idea.. LAst 6 months I started to use the Foam, so much better the foam, dries a lot faster, though nothing has really changed with my hair from using it


I guess I am rambling , anyone else here done some front work, strengthening the area with about 1500 graphs? Shock loss Experiences? Swelling Experiences etc?


I like to be more engaged wth this forum and if I decide to go through with it i will keep you al updated.. I think most of you would say wow u got lots of hair already and I believe that, just that frontal area is on my mind almost daily for the last 3 or 4 years, as for hair loss now... not so much, at leaste nothing I am freaking out over.


Cheers and thanks all,

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  • Senior Member



Is all of your frontal hair transplanted? If so, this hair will be resistant to permanent shock loss.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • 2 months later...

well here is a status update


I didnt go through with it in Thailand. However I am back home for a couple of months and saw my old doctor. We talked a bit and he agreed my old procedure was still looking good but yes I had a bit of recession on the sides and a little thickening couldnt hurt if I wanted it but wasnt something he thought I desperately needed.


I decided to go for it again, I had 900 graphs on Friday that took about 5 hours using the FUT Method. Went pretty smoothly in the chair but after 3 or 4 hours it started to feel like an eternity and i had to take a couple of 2 min breaks just to walk around and clear my head


its been 11 years since my last one which was also 1000 graphs and doc told me after this one he doesnt want to see me again:) because there will be nothing to restore


He thought the Thai Doctors were a little too aggressive with the amount of graphs. The Thai doctors though good made me a bit nervous one told me to expect massive shock loss in the front while the other said I wont.


My doctor here said he will carefully space them out to minimize the shock loss if any but he didnt expect much, but I guess only time will tell.


Now I am on day 5 of healing, typical I guess, itchy where the hair was transplanted the donor area is throbbing in pain, notice it the later the day goes and at night it bothers me quite a lot sleeping on it. Yesterday did a light shampoo for the first time which helped the overall feeling of a dirty scumbag and a lot of the redness in the transplanted area is back to my normal skin color already with a lot of dried scabs


any questions let me know, since i just did it cheers

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