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Asked HT salesman about my diffuse situation, answer was questionable

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I have diffuse thinning


much of the hair is 2.5" to 3" long, and many are finer and maybe 2cm long.


If I get an HT, will the surgeon implant between existing hairs? If so, then hair density would be higher than natural and it would seem might lead to some complications such as poor growth


Alternatively, would the surgeon choose to sacrifice the finer hairs for the transplanted hairs.


I asked a sales rep from a leading HT clinic and his answer was yes they would implant between existing hairs and it should be no problem...but I am suspect of this answer.

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Is this really your very first post?

Your question tells me that you done a fair amount of research and reflection and you are perfectly right to be suspicious of the answer you received.

Asking a rep this question is a bit vexing.

Say your meds are working and you are relatively stable,


Whilst they want your business, they often don't want to touch these areas deep behind or on the crown, concentrating on the hairline etc. Then, later, when these weak hairs finally croak theyll go in there.


I don't like this approach because it does not satisfy the initial desire to illiminate the bald zone, if anything it illuminates it and just prolongs the inevitable,


If they plant in the weak zones you might as well write off those dying hairs. Asking them to plant inbetween them is wishful thinking IMO. Even if you lost none to transection or post-trauma shickloss, you might not result in the density you need.


But you can't expect a rep to say they will willfully destroy your ailing weak hairs, rather they'll say that they deserve some love. But if you have been on meds, and they are still feeble, it isn't going to get better.

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  • Senior Member

Spend some time on this forum and looking at cases and I think you will get a better idea of what to expect. If you have not already, I would suggest looking into medications like finasteride, if you have substantial native hair, it is very important to start medical therapy prior to an HT.

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