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Close to Using Regaine, Few Questions.....


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very close to taking the plunge and buying regaine at 20yrs old approachin 21 in 3months,

But i simply crnt use fin cuz of past health issues so that out of the question.


Should i purchase the regaine as a years supply or not?? As its ?120 for 6months but ?190 for years worth??


Sidenote-its regaine 5% foam.


If i was to use the regaine could i only use it once a day as that would better fit me, preferably before bed when i get 6 hours sleep minimum?


When applying the regaine for once a day, would i double the dosage or not? And just use once a day with one dosage??


Also after waking up could i leave it in for another few hours before washing it off or do i have to wash it straight off?


Side question-ill probably need a transplant at 25ish is that too early tho? And lets say i get the transplant would i still need to use regaine(i hope not)??



My current regiment is:

1) Haircut-sides 0-0.2 usually, top long.

2) nizoral once a week, its quite harsh on scalp.

3) nanogen thickening shampoo, if and when needed

4) nanogen fibres (only use this every now and then)

5) wash hair with warm water & dry hair softly.

6) Mulvitamin and fishoil once a day.



Ill attach some pics, but note im kinda good at covering it up, so you may say in losing any hair but i am rapidly.


2 of the pics i highlight the hair loss


2 of the pic is how i cut/style my hair to give the illusion, but its getting harder now.








Edited by ErNotGonnaSayMyName
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I would not recommend you use Rogaine unless you're prepared to follow the instructions and use it twice daily. Forever.


Once you begin using Rogaine, you will experience a shedding - a lot of crown hair may fall out and it will alarm you. With proper use, the shedded hairs can be expected to recover, and then some. However, if you use it only once per day, you will probably experience the shed but not the recovery or improvement. The instructions also clearly state using a higher dosage will not improve results.


To address your other questions: you do not need to wash it out. The foam will quickly dissolve into a liquid form, and soak into your scalp. It will leave it *slightly* sticky feeling in that area, but not as much as a hairspray or gel would. There is a minimal (and I think nice) scent to it.


If you're serious about combatting hairloss, your best bet is to consider Propecia (finasteride) medication. You are young and there are side effect risks, but I wish I had started using it when I was your age and in your Norwood state (NW2).

NW5a, fin/foam/couvre

3801 grafts FUE, Dr Jose Lorenzo - Madrid, November 2014

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You have tremendous hair volume and yes there is a spot in your crown that appears to be early signs of MPB but with that large amount of hair volume, you will undoubtedly experience some shedding and the area could end up looking much thinner.


Are you prepared for that experience? Because once you start minoxidil, you will be committed to using it every day or you stand to lose any gains. And you may want to consider only use a small amount once per day to start with in the first week of application. That can potentially reduce the effect of massive shedding compared to using it twice per day to start with.


Minoxidil does not inhibit DHT so although it can invigorate some new growth and improve hair shaft diameter, it won't stop the DHT from causing future loss.


And you may want to consider just buying one bottle of the foam to start with because if you purchase such a large amount of it up front and you don't like the effects of it, your stuck with a case of Rogaine sitting in your attic...:rolleyes:


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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I would not recommend you use Rogaine unless you're prepared to follow the instructions and use it twice daily. Forever.


Once you begin using Rogaine, you will experience a shedding - a lot of crown hair may fall out and it will alarm you. With proper use, the shedded hairs can be expected to recover, and then some. However, if you use it only once per day, you will probably experience the shed but not the recovery or improvement. The instructions also clearly state using a higher dosage will not improve results.


To address your other questions: you do not need to wash it out. The foam will quickly dissolve into a liquid form, and soak into your scalp. It will leave it *slightly* sticky feeling in that area, but not as much as a hairspray or gel would. There is a minimal (and I think nice) scent to it.


If you're serious about combatting hairloss, your best bet is to consider Propecia (finasteride) medication. You are young and there are side effect risks, but I wish I had started using it when I was your age and in your Norwood state (NW2).



wait when you say forever that mean people who have had transplants still use it:o, like why tho? im mean obvs to keep the non transplanted hair, but does it have affect on the transplanted hair......Just curious


but people say to wash out the regaine after 12 hours?


yeah im setting up a meeting with a dermatologist to advice me about it( side effects, my health etc), iv read that its works well with regaine and those two are the two only non surgical ways to maintain..


sorry its just im not best aware, and i post but dont get many replies, so thanks for the reply:)







You have tremendous hair volume and yes there is a spot in your crown that appears to be early signs of MPB but with that large amount of hair volume, you will undoubtedly experience some shedding and the area could end up looking much thinner.


Are you prepared for that experience? Because once you start minoxidil, you will be committed to using it every day or you stand to lose any gains. And you may want to consider only use a small amount once per day to start with in the first week of application. That can potentially reduce the effect of massive shedding compared to using it twice per day to start with.


Minoxidil does not inhibit DHT so although it can invigorate some new growth and improve hair shaft diameter, it won't stop the DHT from causing future loss.


And you may want to consider just buying one bottle of the foam to start with because if you purchase such a large amount of it up front and you don't like the effects of it, your stuck with a case of Rogaine sitting in your attic...:rolleyes:



right so both replies say crown could get thinner....:( im using nanogen fibre to cover up atm, its brillaint and doesnt have to wash off with shampoo if you know how to get it out dry:D


im happy to use it everyday no problem logistically or financially....


you say once a day to start could be better for shed, the other replier says twice....


im thinking 1st 4 weeks once at night then twice for 9 months, then once a day forever?

would i be wrong or...


its just im nearly 21 so im young, i dont wanna risk anything that will accelerate loss, ie shed, but at the same time i dont wanna start fin and minox too late,


damn iv already purchased a years worth for ?170 ($266), i can return it i want to start later, but iv not receieved it yet, im guessing it has a long expiry date so might be worth keeping it for future use if it does.


i appreciate the replies :)


what i had in mind was something likes this:



Hairloss Treatment Regime:

1) Haircut&Style-0.1 sides and back, top longer.

2) Regaine Once a day before bed/Twice a day morning and night.

3) Fin once a day.

4) Nanogen fibres when needed/in morning after washing regaine off/after applying regiane in morning).

5) Nizoral once a week.

6) Nanogen thickening shampoo when needed (ie to wash regaine off).

7) Wash hair with warm water & Dry softly when needed.

8) Multivtamin and fishoil once a day.


there are variables are ones with '/'


but number 1-4-5-6-7-8 is my current regime


thanks for the replies!


people of this forums please reply more, thanks:D

Edited by ErNotGonnaSayMyName
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  • Senior Member

Buy a year supply!


You can use it once a day, but Doctors thinks it works better when used twice a day!


Its upto you, just remember one thing Minoxidil must remain on the scalp for at least 4 hours so that the medication may be absorbed into the scalp. Better wash it off



Minoxidil is a treatment for hair loss and not a cure. You need to take Minoxidil for as long as you want to continue to benefit from its use. If you stop taking Minoxidil, you will likely lose any hair you have gained within several months of stopping treatment, so yes you have to use it forever!


Don't think about HT now, its too early, but keep researching !


Last advice: Keep monitoring your results, remember medicines takes at least year to work!

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What I meant by starting minoxidil once daily is to slowly introduce the product into your scalp to try and minimize a significant shed in the area. Then after 10 - 12 days, you can try increasing the application to twice daily.


The thing we all have to keep in mind is that we all respond differently to meds. Some guys experience significant shedding when applying minoxidil twice daily, others do not. Yet it's the initial use that can potentially be the most sensitive to the scalp.


Only low dose finasteride still proves to be the most efficient medication for treating MPB. And it's the most efficient in the crown...;)


And I also concur to wait on having any HT procedures. The risk of sustaining shock loss is too great for that volume of hair.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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