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Donor area after FUE


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One of my concerns before proceeding with FUE is - what will happen with my donor area?


My surgeon told me that I should not be worried about that because, if 1500 follicular units will be transplanted then the remaining ones in the donor area will grow thicker and the problem will be mitigated. However, I can't find any references in the Internet that would confirm this claim.


I would like your opinion (preferably based with experience) on following question:

1. If you had ~1500 grafts taken out - did you notice that hair in the back of your head became noticeably thinner? Is claim made by my HT doctor true or false?

2. What happens with transected follicules after failed extraction attempt? Are they permanently lost or do they regrow?

2. On average, how much donor grafts are there on the back of the head?

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