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Dr. Wen-Yi Wu / 1 session FUT 3439 grafts Asian patient

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31 y/o patient, Norwood class V, did not want Finasteride, only on Minoxidil for past one year.

We recommended two sessions. The first session would cover frontal and midscalp area. 2 nd session on the crown 2 to 3 years later.

Total number of grafts 3439 grafts

Splitting of grafts:

1 h 1585

2 h 1763

3 h 91















Wen-Yi Wu M.D. FISHRS 吳文藝醫師


Fellow ISHRS

International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery

國際植髮醫學會 金章醫師會員


Diplomate ABHRS

American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery

美國植髮醫學會 專科認證


Taiwan Hair Transplant 台灣萌髮診所


8F, 21 Section 3, Nanjing East Road, Taipei, Taiwan



Telephone: 886-225011383



email : wu@hair7838.com




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Dr. Wen-Yi Wu is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network
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  • Regular Member
That's phenomenal. Do you have his hair caliber in microns?


Yes, I do agree with your thinking.

The importance of the hair shaft diameter cannot be overstated. It is the most important predictor of " coverage" in hair restoration surgery. The total volume of hair determines the visual impact. Doubling the hair density doubles the hair volume, while doubling the hair diameter quadruples the hair volume.

Most Asian patients have coarse hair caliber. Likewise, this patient's hair caliber reached almost 90 microns

Dr. Wen-Yi Wu is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network
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  • Senior Member

I'll tell you what i think would've better.

Use of 3500 odd grafts for hairline and front 2/3rd of the scalp.

Forget about the crown for the first HT.

Also, this guy is not no meds so in 5 years he will look far far worse in the front than what he appears now.

People put too much value on crown coverage. Crown is overrated. Get a good permanent hairline so the viewer cannot see through you. I see the first stage did cover crown. Better that the 500-800 grafts gone into crown be used on hairline.

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  • Regular Member
I'll tell you what i think would've better.

Use of 3500 odd grafts for hairline and front 2/3rd of the scalp.

Forget about the crown for the first HT.

Also, this guy is not no meds so in 5 years he will look far far worse in the front than what he appears now.

People put too much value on crown coverage. Crown is overrated. Get a good permanent hairline so the viewer cannot see through you. I see the first stage did cover crown. Better that the 500-800 grafts gone into crown be used on hairline.


I do agree with Loags.


Frontal and midscalp should be the area of major concern for the first session in most situations.

Leave the crown for future sessions.

However , most patients nowadays want to cover as much area as possible in one session, which is difficult for class V patients.

After discussions with the patient, he agreed to have a high hairline, which is 9 cm from the glabella in this situation; and put the extra grafts as far back as possible.

With this high hairline design, we had some grafts to transplant up to the upper arc of the vertex. Thus the overall crown baldness appeared smaller. The patient is happy with this design and outcome.

To me, thorough discussions and understandings with the patient are more important .

Small adjustments of the principle and norms can be made as long as the outcome are still within normal range.


Thanks for your comment, Loags !

Dr. Wen-Yi Wu is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network
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  • Senior Member

Understood Dr Wu, you placed the graft where the patients wanted it. In my opinion, a slightly denser (even by another 200-300 grafts) hairline would've made the 1st session a knockout. Looking forward to the 2nd HT, I'm sure the hairline would be addressed, the patient looks like he's got the donor and hair caliber to have a great result.


Alrighty then. Let's build a wall of hair and be ass-bald behind it. Good thinking.

better a wall than a picket fence

Edited by Loags79
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  • Regular Member
Understood Dr Wu, you placed the graft where the patients wanted it. In my opinion, a slightly denser (even by another 200-300 grafts) hairline would've made the 1st session a knockout. Looking forward to the 2nd HT, I'm sure the hairline would be addressed, the patient looks like he's got the donor and hair caliber to have a great result.



better a wall than a picket fence


Agree Loags !


Another important point to consider in this patient is his young age and timing of vertex transplant.


When the crown area is still big and bald after the 1st session, most young patients as in this case will come back for the 2nd session ASAP , as planned initially. This is not a good thing either.

Many experts in hair transplant advocate crown transplant at least after 35 y/o; some even say after 40 y/o; for the fear that the crown will keep on expanding .

If the crown is transplanted at an early age and if a halo effect does occur finally; then the patient will have to come back for another repair at the risk of depletion in donor supply.

However,when the crown appears smaller in size after the first session, many patients would change their mind and might delay the second session for the crown transplant at a later time because the first outcome appears to be more ACCEPTABLE. This is actually my intention for this patient. To delay the 2nd session as much longer as possible; while maintaining a good coverage of the front and midscalp areas. I do not want him to come back too soon for the crown transplant when he is still young. I will be more comfortable when he comes back for the crown, let's say at 40 y/o.


Again, communication and mutual understandings is the utmost important step in order to have a happy patient.


Thank you Loag for sharing your fruitful comment.

Dr. Wen-Yi Wu is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network
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