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One more msm question


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OK, one more MSM question for Ya.

I just got capsules from wal-mart. Has 500mg of MSM and also 500mg of Glucosamine(good for joints). On the back of the bottle it say's 2 cap's are a serving so there not 500mg cap's like I thought when I got them but 250mg cap's. It say's to take 2 cap's 3 times a day, which would = 1500mg.

Now should I go for 3000mg a day ?

Also how do you like to dose it out, 2 times or 3 times a day.

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OK, one more MSM question for Ya.

I just got capsules from wal-mart. Has 500mg of MSM and also 500mg of Glucosamine(good for joints). On the back of the bottle it say's 2 cap's are a serving so there not 500mg cap's like I thought when I got them but 250mg cap's. It say's to take 2 cap's 3 times a day, which would = 1500mg.

Now should I go for 3000mg a day ?

Also how do you like to dose it out, 2 times or 3 times a day.

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  • Senior Member

personally, i havent had any bad reaction from 3000 a day....but i would wonder if there might be some sort of risk in taking that high an amount of Glucosamine.....



4600 grafts/ 12/10/2003/ Dr. Jerry Wong

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Yes Rugger, I was thinking the same thing about the Glucosamine. so I guess great mind's do think a like..or maybe it's two mind's strung out on too much MSM, but what ever.

I think I'll just do the 2cap's 3times a day for 1,500mg just to use up this bottle and then next time buy strait MSM with no Glucosamine and start 3,000mg at that time.

Thank's Rugger

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The stuff is pretty cheap so why mess around with it? If you have a Costco nearby, $13.59 for 300 caps (1000mg).


I just started taking it today...

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Yes Smoothy, I agree. I think that's what I'm gonna do.

Use up this bottle and get 1000mg of pure MSM next time. I'll start taking 3000mg at that point.

Thank's all...

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