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HT proceedure booked. Thankyou !


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  • Regular Member

Hi All


Ive not been a prolific poster on this site, but a long time 'reader'. Ive been researching hair transplantation for about 3.5 years, and I finally decided I had been through all my options (several times !) and now was the time to jump.


After slowly narrowing down the huge list of Drs who are recommended on this site. Numerous meetings, consultations, emails etc. I am booked in with Dr Feriduni next week.


long story short - My transplant 'journey' started when I first saw Shaun Williamson (a British actor - I'd like to bump into him so I can thank him) talk about his hair transplant with Dr Farjo. This, in turn, led me to this website.


This post is really to say thankyou, not just to Bill, Pat and their collegues (for a great site which does exactly what it sets out to do, to educate) but also to the many members who have given invaluable advice over the past few years. Not particularly to me personally (although there have been many), but to anyone who has asked, posted or replied and therefore added to the huge wealth of information available here.


I have learnt so much, enough to feel confident in my chosen path, and chosen Dr.


So, the date fast approaches, and im really looking forward to it. Im not nervous (yet) but i'm excited about the possibilty of "not thinking about my hair all the time" - That was something forum member 'Predator' said ages ago on his hair blog, and it stayed with me, because thats exactly what i want from my proceedure... And i firmly believe i have given myself the best chance of achieving that because of you all...


all the best, and once again..






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