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Dr Bhatti FUE HT - 1st Sept 2014- Booked

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Hello my Dear Friends,


First of all, I am really greateful for this community which is helping bald people like me.

I am a silent member of this group and been following this group for around an year now. My case, I am 28yr old male with norwood pattern V suffering from hair lose from over 3yrs now.


I have booked my date for my 2nd HT(that's right not 1st, 2nd) to be done by Dr.Bhatti on 1st of Sept. After few email conversation from the doctor, he had suggested i needed around 5000-5500 grafts which he is intending to split into 2 phases, phase 1 with 3500 grafts(frontal & mid scalp) and phase 2 which is 6months apart with another 2000 grafts(Crown). I have attached couple of my pics for better assessment for you people.


Note : I already my 1st HT (FUT) done by Dr.Batra's in Hyderabad,India which turned out to be not so satisfactory. Din't do my research right.


I hope i have chosen the right surgeon from my 2nd HT and looking forward to the surgery. Any thoughts/suggestions are welcomed




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I am very much pleased with the result of my transplantation. Just after two month I can see that I have a great looking. I was really hopeless about my hair and it was really difficult for me to concentrate somewhere else then my hair problem. I am thankful to Dezire Clinic, just because of them I got my hair and good looking back. Now I am not bothering anymore and its big relieve for me. I am so much happy to see the result and specially when no one can identify its transplanted hair.


I also really appreciate the assisting staff to be so kind and skilful during the entire surgery. It was really great experience. Its only two month and result is amazing, looking forward to see more magic of treatment. Thanks from the bottom of my Heart.



Harshad Patil

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Hey what's Dr Bhatti charging per graft?




Here is link to the pricing details on Dr. Bhatti's website. Pricing is in INR (Indian Rupees). Approximately 1USD= INR 61


Approximately: $1.45 per scalp graft (standard package) and $1.62 per graft (premium package). Again, details about the package at the link below:


Hair Transplant Cost in India | FUE Cost





DarlingBuds FUE's profile photo 
North America Representative and Patient Advisor for:
Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center, Chandigarh, India.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Read my post carefully before commenting. The surgeons name is Dr.Bhatti not Dr Batra. And yes you are right, Dr. Batra's are big time fraud and scam esters. I was also once a victim of them, but now am no more. I believe i chose the right surgeon and am very much pleased with the way how my surgery went. I am creating another thread for it to track my progress.


Views/Suggestions are welcomed.



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Read my post carefully before commenting. The surgeons name is Dr.Bhatti not Dr Batra. And yes you are right, Dr. Batra's are big time fraud and scam esters. I was also once a victim of them, but now am no more. I believe i chose the right surgeon and am very much pleased with the way how my surgery went. I am creating another thread for it to track my progress.


Views/Suggestions are welcomed.




Hi Ashwin,


Thank you so much for clarifying. It is very important for the forum users to not confuse the HT Surgeons names. Some names kind of sound similar and hence can lead to confusions. Seems like Harshad got Dr. Tejinder Bhatti mixed up with Dr. Batra. Also, in the past, some members got Dr. Bhatti (Darling Buds, Chandigarh, India) mixed up with Dr. Bhatty (a doctor from UK).


I am very happy to know that your HT procedure went well and that you are very pleased with Dr. Bhatti and his team so far. Will be looking forward to your updates. Thanks for sharing.


Best regards,



DarlingBuds FUE's profile photo 
North America Representative and Patient Advisor for:
Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center, Chandigarh, India.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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