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Dr. Wen-Yi Wu One session FUT/ frontal zone +midscalp /2435 grafts

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33 y/o , Norwood 4, Chinese patient.

He was not on Finasteride .

One session FUT done 11 months ago.

Areas covered: frontal zone, midscalp, upper arc of the whorl.

Total number of grafts harvested 2435 grafts

Spliting of the grafts: 1-hair 826 2-hair 1334 3-hair 275
































Wen-Yi Wu M.D. FISHRS 吳文藝醫師


Fellow ISHRS

International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery

國際植髮醫學會 金章醫師會員


Diplomate ABHRS

American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery

美國植髮醫學會 專科認證


Taiwan Hair Transplant 台灣萌髮診所


8F, 21 Section 3, Nanjing East Road, Taipei, Taiwan



Telephone: 886-225011383




email : wu@hair7838.com


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Dr. Wen-Yi Wu is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network
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