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Propecia, Hormones... Thyroid...


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Ok so to cut a long story short, I started to notice slight thinning at my crown and right temple about 10 years ago which was quite sudden I have to say. Anyway, my hair continued to fall out very slowly, finding hairs in the bath tub and laptop keyboard etc. Anyway, I went on Propecia about 10 years ago and while it has kept my hair the hair HAS changed texture from smooth to frizzy and it has thinned slowly.


When I went on Propecia it did change something, I was sweating more, decreased body temperature and I remember saying to a friend I felt like I was going through the menopause! Anyway, I was just wondering if Propecia could cause a hormonal inbalance that could lead to telogen effluvium as I've noticed lots of hairs that fall out have the white bulb attached to the bottom?


I was thinking maybe I have a Thyroid problem and should I get my hormone levels checked? Thyroid test?


I am taking Fluoxetine for Anxiety also and maybe this is causing shedding!?!



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  • Senior Member

I have heard in some individuals it can cause TE, and I have also experienced shedding of hairs that should otherwise be resistant to DHT and can only view it as unwanted shedding myself while on it.


What type of hairs are you losing btw, miniaturized ones or thick ones? If you feel lousy on the drug, have more sebum or oil than usual or other symptoms could be hormonal issues for sure.


A quick google search of fluoxetine and hairloss turns up a lot of hits btw, so could be a combination of the two.

Thyroid: apparently some of the drugs used to treat thyroid issues can cause hairloss, so consult with a doctor and do some research on the possibly prescribed meds

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