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Three month update w/Dr. Glenn Charles


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Hi, I'm a new member here, but did do some research on here previously.

I have a fairly good head of hair, however have had hair receding on my temples and forehead quite a bit. I went in for a transplant with Dr. Glenn Charles in Boca Raton, FL. Just prior to the transplant, Dr. Charles and I discussed my desired hairline. He wanted to make sure we were not too aggressive so that as I aged, it would not look strange. I wanted to make sure that first, my hairline would improve from what I had, and second, there would be enough transplants so I wouldn't lose hair behind the new hairline later in life.


Here's the status so far:


The Good: The operation is well run, with clean facilities and friendly staff. Billing was as estimated, no surprises.


The Not So Good: After three months, and >2000 grafts, I have to say I'm less than impressed. I definitely realize it's early still, but I felt even right after, the hairline was not as we'd discussed; it was further back. I can see that even with all transplants fully grown in, it won't make much difference to the hairline what I had before. So I'd say it's real critical to look at your hairline right after or midway thro the surgery and make sure it's

conforming to the hairline you want.

I'll post another update in three-six months

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