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Concerned About Post-Op Appearance.

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Hi Everyone,


I'm getting an FUT procedure done this week with Dr. Konior, and am having second thoughts about surgery. I'm having 2,000 grafts done to solidify my hairline, but I'm concerned about my appearance post-op. I'll be going to two public events next month (one on the 8th and one on the 14th) and I'm worrying now that the surgery will be too noticeable for me to attend.


If any of you can share your experience with me, I would greatly appreciate it. I know I probably sound stupid, but it was only in the last couple of days I started to think, "This is really going to happen."

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  • Senior Member

After one month, it will be noticable period. Both in the donor and recipient. Especially if Konior requires shaving. However, you have existing hair that you can comb over the work. If you do that, keep the donor long, and use dermatch for any donor shockloss, you may be ok.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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  • Senior Member

Yeah. It'll be noticeable. That said, I had a hairline procedure in June 2012, and I grew my hair long and brushed it forward, and literally no one knew. It looked really stupid for awhile, because I had to position the native hair just so to cover up the grafts, but it was better than the grafts and redness being exposed. Also remember that even after the redness subsides, it's going to look like a mess for a few months while the new hairs grow in. They tend to grow in kinky and then straighten out later, so it'll look really strange for a bit. Again, I combed my hair over it until everything looked good, but I would say that you'll look a bit "off" for at least six months. Brace yourself for it.


But you're going to one of the best surgeons on earth, especially for your type of procedure, and it'll be worth it.

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