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Need Help - Thinnning around sides and back - scary scar

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I had FUT 8-9 months back and now I am thinning badly around sides and back. Is this because of shock loss caused due to the surgery? The scar is now very easily exposed. Should I also start looking into FUE into Scar. Literally I have no hairs left on sides and back also.


Can any one suggest me that using Finasteride and minoxidill is the only option or should I consult a doctor? My HT doctor(in another country) said that this unusual and asked me to continue with the medicines.


Can someone please advice me a good doctor in NYC ? If this is due to shock loss, will I get decent amount of hairs back at least to cover the scar.


I want to somehow stop this extensive hair loss. I can see hars all over - pillow, bath room, comb and even on my shirt. I guess I am loosing easily around 40-60 hairs per day.

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That is indeed pretty strange, what were the sides and back like before the operation? do u have pics? also what is your age? as for a doc in NYC, Dr feller is world class and does FUE and FUT may be worth sending him an email. I wouldn't have thought this far post op you'd have shock loss, although they do say u should wait a year to evaluate the scar... this thinning however seems diffuse! (i checked out the pics in your other thread)

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Yes, I guess diffuse pattern. But this happened in just last 2 months. What are the options left for me now?


Have u started any new medication or have u been under a lot of stress the last 2 months? I'd start by contacting a trichologist to see what their thoughts are, a transplant would be pointless if it continues 2 thin

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Hi Aftermath,


There was a little stress in past 2 months and I had a PRP (using micro-needling) 4 months back. I was wondering if this shedding is due to that shock loss. And yeah, I ve started with Min 10% (as suggested by my transplant doctor), initially I was using tugain 2%. Surprisingly, the transplanted hairs on the top are not affected as of now. But the hairs on sides and back are shedding.


I contacted a few transplant surgeons. Since this is diffused pattern, they are not sure if FUE into scar works for me. Haven`t tried Dr. Umar. I am not sure if he can really fix it. So my option would be SMP. I am trying to retain the hairs by Fin 1 mg and minox 10% . But I see extensive shedding and very soon the scar might be visible clearly. So looking for ways to hide the scar in advance.

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  • Senior Member
Hi Aftermath,


There was a little stress in past 2 months and I had a PRP (using micro-needling) 4 months back. I was wondering if this shedding is due to that shock loss. And yeah, I ve started with Min 10% (as suggested by my transplant doctor), initially I was using tugain 2%. Surprisingly, the transplanted hairs on the top are not affected as of now. But the hairs on sides and back are shedding.


I contacted a few transplant surgeons. Since this is diffused pattern, they are not sure if FUE into scar works for me. Haven`t tried Dr. Umar. I am not sure if he can really fix it. So my option would be SMP. I am trying to retain the hairs by Fin 1 mg and minox 10% . But I see extensive shedding and very soon the scar might be visible clearly. So looking for ways to hide the scar in advance.


What do the transplant docs think it's related to, as they're far more qualified to comment then any1 on this forum, I did remember reading a post off here about PRP at one point though, here's the link if u wanna check it out, not sure how much truth there is in the post but thought it may be of interest



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Docs say that this is diffuse thinning and happens in people with this pattern. And the doctor who performed FUT made a mistake. They are not sure if FUE into scar works. If not FUE into scar, I was wondering if I should go for beard/BHT above the scar and sides to help conceal the scar. I am not sure again for how long those transplanted hairs will be permanent.


Do you think Dr. Umar might help here. But read bad reviews about the doctor, since he is not recommended here.

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  • Senior Member
Docs say that this is diffuse thinning and happens in people with this pattern. And the doctor who performed FUT made a mistake. They are not sure if FUE into scar works. If not FUE into scar, I was wondering if I should go for beard/BHT above the scar and sides to help conceal the scar. I am not sure again for how long those transplanted hairs will be permanent.


Do you think Dr. Umar might help here. But read bad reviews about the doctor, since he is not recommended here.


The results with even very large numbers of grafts with body hair never tends to look great IMO and the amount needed to cover the whole head would be astronomical in price! If u were to just cover the scar and the hair around that dropped out it could look a little strange, as you said SMP may be a viable option, or possibly a good hair system. It's a shame the doc who performed the op on you didn't recognise diffuse thinning in the donar area as there must've been some signs of it pre-op! Unfortunately with this type of hair loss transplantation options are pretty limited! If you are gonna go down the BHT route it'd be worth contacting umar and bisanga! Lorenzo may be an option as he performs top level FUE but I'm unsure how much work he does with BHT! I think the 2 top Turkish docs work with body hair and their prices may be quite a bit cheaper!

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